The First 6 Pages of Bill Gates's Favorite Book Will Change Your Life (and the Next 500 Pages Aren't Bad, Either)
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Carmine Gallo |
(INC) If you're pessimistic about the state of world today, Bill Gates and Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker have a message
for you: "This bleak assessment of the state of the world is wrong. And
not just a little wrong--wrong wrong, flat-earth wrong, couldn't-be-more-wrong."
The quote appears on the first page of Pinker's new book, Enlightenment Now. In a recent blog post,
Bill Gates calls it his new "favorite book of all
time." Pinker and
Gates are optimists. They see the world differently than most people,
and they have the data to prove it. In the first few pages of Pinker's
book, he makes the point that civilization has made "spectacular
progress" in nearly every possible way. Here's the kicker--almost nobody
knows about it because most people focus on the negative. Change your
thinking; change your life.
Each chapter of Pinker's book covers striking
accomplishments in 15 areas including: life, health, wealth/abundance,
peace, safety, equal rights, and more. In this paragraph, Pinker gives
us a small glimpse of "the gifts" we take for granted:
Newborns who will live more than eight decades, markets overflowing with food, clean water that appears with a flick of a finger, and waste that disappears with another, pills that erase a painful infection...critics of the powerful who are not jailed or shot, the world's knowledge and culture available in a shirt pocket.
Bill Gates says he loves the book because leaders who make a
difference focus on positive progress instead of fixating exclusively
on problems.
Great Leaders Have Perspective
Inspiring leaders lift people up because they have historical and global perspective, as I noted in this article
about Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. As Pinker notes, "Keep some
perspective. Not every problem is a Crisis, Plague, Epidemic, or
Existential Threat...problems are inevitable; but problems are
Here's just one example of how Pinker's book puts our lives into perspective. He asks the question, How long do you think the average person in the world can be expected to live today?
Multinational surveys show that fewer than 1 in 4 people answer the
question correctly. The answer: 71.4 years. In the mid-18th century,
life expectancy for the world as a whole was 29 years of age. And that
number had barely budged in the previous 225 years.
According to Pinker, if we had "a shred of cosmic
gratitude," we'd be very happy about all the progress we've made just in
the last 20 years, let alone the last 200. But polls show that
Americans simply aren't much happier than our counterparts were decades
ago. Pinker says our mental biases are to blame; biases that great
leaders have learned to manage or overcome.
3 Cognitive Biases That Hold Us Back
Pinker cites several built-in biases that prevent us from seeing the world in perspective.
1. Theory of the hedonic treadmill.
Although we make more and live better and longer than any generation in
history, people "adapt to changes in their fortunes...and quickly
return to a genetically determined baseline," writes Pinker. In other
words, we're always chasing rainbows. We might be momentarily happy when
we buy a new car or get a bump in salary or land a new job, but we
quickly regress to a previous baseline of happiness.
2. Theory of social comparison. This bias
explains why people think the world is worse off when it's actually
richer by every measure, according to Pinker. All too often, our
happiness is determined by how well we think we're doing compared to
others. Instead, we should be focusing on how far we've all come.
3. Availability heuristic. According to
Pinker, the bias can be summed up as "bad is stronger than good." The
psychological literature is well-established on the topic. We "dwell on
setbacks more than we savor good fortune," says Pinker. We focus on
dystopian headlines and overlook the positive trends.
According to Pinker, the "steady drumbeat of doom" on the
news doesn't help. When we look for signs of how low the world has sunk
rather than how high our standards have risen, the consequences to our
mental state are quite serious. Pessimism raises our anxiety, decreases
our happiness, saps our energy, and gives us the feeling that the
world's problems are getting worse and can't be solved. These are
not the qualities of leaders people want to follow.
Since the history of progress is "a glorious
narrative...uplifting and inspiring," leaders who want to inspire
others would benefit from reading Pinker's perspective. Bill Gates
already has.
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