G-Forum 2018 – Call for Papers

The guiding theme of the G-Forum 2018 in Stuttgart is:
„Mastering the Digital Transformation: Corporate Entrepreneurship as a Fast Track to Innovation”
Digital technologies are currently causing a dramatic transformation
of established industries. Entrepreneurs exploit the resulting manifold
opportunities to test new business solutions and new business models. As
a consequence, established firms such as medium-sized companies need to
react to the potentially disruptive competition through entrepreneurial
and innovative initiatives. Against this background, the G-Forum 2018
consequently addresses the numerous questions, opportunities and
approaches that arise from this challenge for entrepreneurs, established
companies and entrepreneurship research.
In addition to submissions addressing the guiding theme of the
conference, the conference organizers expressly welcome any submission
that corresponds to the three main thematic fields of the FGF e.V. These
are the topics
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- SMEs
In this way, the G-Forum will fulfill its role as a central platform
for the scientific community to exchange views on the current state of
scientific discussion.
The conference languages are German and English.
To enhance the exchange between science and practice, submissions
“from both worlds” are expressly desired. Topic-specific sessions are
offered which are either based on submissions from science or practice.
There are two independent review processes to meet the different
requirements for submissions from both realms.
It is possible to submit full papers to the G-Forum.
Authors of full paper submissions receive two developmental reviews
from members of the G-Forum Review Board and qualify themselves for a
20-minute presentation plus 10-minute discussion.
However, proposals for presentations can also be submitted as an abstract.
An abstract should not exceed 1.000 words. Abstracts qualify for poster
presentations, round-table discussions or short presentations (elevator
Please submit your full papers and abstracts in two versions (with and without author details) as a pdf document until May 24th, 2018 via e-mail to submission-gforum2018@fgf-ev.de.
Details of the conference and submission guidelines can be found in the detailed Call for Papers. More information about the conference is also available on the Internet at https://www.fgf-ev.de/en/g-forum-2018-stuttgart-germany/.
Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V. (FGF)
c/o Ulrich Knaup
Gartenstrasse 86
47798 Krefeld
Amtsgericht Köln VR 9718
c/o Ulrich Knaup
Gartenstrasse 86
47798 Krefeld
Amtsgericht Köln VR 9718
Tel.: +49 (0)2151-777-508
Email: knaup @ fgf-ev.de
Email: knaup @ fgf-ev.de
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