Two Departments To Effect Change in Executing Infrastructure Projects
By Godlove BAINKONG, Cameroon Tribune, 08-10-2013
All things being equal, immature projects that have been inscribed into
the project logbooks and which compromise the smooth execution of the
public investment budget, may soon be a thing of the past. The new
facelift given the Ministry of Public Works, following its
re-organisation by a Presidential decree of September 13, 2013 also
gives orientations on infrastructure control with the creation of the
directorate general for public infrastructure.
Feasibility studies and infrastructure control are hence managed by specialised structures.
Directorate General For Technical Studies
under a Director General, the department will serve as a reference point
in matters of technical studies of roads, railways, sea and airports,
energy and other public infrastructure projects. It is also to follow up
the quality and cost as well as deadlines of public works
infrastructure in the country to ensure that their construction,
maintenance and rehabilitation are done according to laid down rules.
All interventions on the road networks and other public works
infrastructure are to be planned and programmed by the directorate
general of technical studies. It is when such studies are carried out
that the department prepares tender files for the award of such
contracts. Also in this department, there is a service for technical
studies on roads and another for public buildings and other
infrastructure. Again, there is the Division for supporting technical
studies and another for planning, programming and standards.
Directorate General For Infrastructure
department of infrastructure is supposed to partner with other
structures in the construction of rail, ports (sea and air), energy, as
well as environmental projects. It is also expected to work on
rehabilitating these infrastructure as well as assure the technical
supervision of the projects in conformity with laid down standards. This
department will work in synergy with councils in the proper execution
of roads and public building projects as well as in the putting in place
of a national strategy in developing rural roads. In liaison with
concerned administrations, the department prepares tender files for
related projects taking into consideration environmental concerns. Five
services have been put in place to ensure the success of the
department: Road investment, protection and management of the road
patrimony, rural roads, construction and other infrastructure.
stakeholders in the execution of public contracts met in Yaounde mid
this year to seek ways of reversing the sorry performance rate, it
emerged that there are projects inscribed in the logbook whose
feasibility studies have not yet been carried out. Tender files for such
projects are obviously rejected by either the central or ministerial
tenders committee and this drags the execution of projects, sometimes
even blowing up the cost. These departments will not only carryout
studies on the bankability of the projects and their impact on the
population concerned but will equally see into it that deadlines are
respected and anomalies like ordering a retake of an already executed
project with all the inconveniences really belong to history.
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