SEA - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award
is a European initiative looking for businesses/projects/initiatives
that have recognized a social problem and solved it with an innovative,
profitable business idea. Projects and initiatives from any company,
irrespective of the size, industry or country from around the world can
be submitted in eight different categories: Integration & Social;
Environment & Energy; Knowledge & Education; Mobility
& Technological Innovations; Development & Services; Lifestyle
& Culture, Urban & Regional Development, and Health &
The award will recognize:
- the Best Project, consisting of measures and business ideas which
are already being implemented or which have already been implemented;
- the Best Idea, consisting of measures and business ideas which are still at the planning stage.
The Best Project is awarded the jury prize of EUR 10,000. The best
submissions in each category, as well as the Best Idea, are presented
once a year as part of the grand SEA Gala, publicized in the media and
integrated into the ongoing press work. With the applicant's consent,
the organizers will also support suitable projects in searching for
The deadline for submitting proposals is the 31st of August 2015.

Learn more
Source: INSME
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