Exporting Shrimps to US: TED Implementation is Precondition for Certification
By Yaboa Ndula, Cameroon Tribune
A workshop to train fishermen on the use of TED held in Douala July 23.
live together with marine turtles in water, when shrimp fishermen cast
their nets to catch shrimps; they accidentally catch turtles that
weren’t their target. Due to this, the world is experiencing a shortage
of the endangered turtles. Reason why experts in the United States of
America implemented TED (Turtle Excluder Device)
that when mounted on
the fisherman trawl net will permit turtles caught to escape without
affecting shrimp catch. In order for Cameroonian shrimp fishermen to
have certification to permit them export their products to the US
markets, they have to implement the use of TED.
A. Fette, Environmental officer at United States Department of State
Bureau of Oceans and International and Scientific Affairs said
implementing TED will save marine turtle from extinction, save the
biodiversity, increase shrimp catch and as well have access to the US
market. Since 1973, he went on, the US amended the protection of sea
turtle law since they are endangered and can be extinct. Several
countries around the world including Gabon and Nigeria have requested to
be part of the programme to obtain certification to export shrimps to
the US.
Technical Adviser N°1 in the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal
Industries, Dr, Meke Soung Pierre Nolasque who presided over the
opening said Cameroon formerly rely on sanitary requirements for the
exportation of fishery products to the European Union that was
suspended in 2006. “Today putting in environmental requirements with the
use of TED,” he said, “will not only enable fishery industries to
obtain foreign currency but will also preserve our marine turtle that is
near extinction.” Imoulanok Louis Martin, a shrimp catcher expressed
his willingness to take advantage of the situation to gain access to the
US market, hoped that implementing TED will increase their catch.
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