Innovate Before Your Customers Want You To Die
But, they didn’t. In fact, they didn’t say a word. They smiled,
the keys to their mid-size car, said “thank you” and moved on as
quickly as possible. The only thing that gave their real feelings away
was the secret eye roll one guy gave the other as they walked away.
It got me thinking. How many times are customers having these thoughts and conversations, and not sharing it?
How many of your customers are having these conversations behind your back?
How many customers deal with their frustrations because they feel as
if they have no choice, while eagerly waiting for someone to come in and
disrupt your business into oblivion?
When I posted about this experience on social media, I received
dozens of comments and messages about all the industries people wished
would experience an immediate death – airlines, museums, education, and
even concerts. Within the experience, there was at least one element
that became a source of frustration massive enough to pronounce a
sentence of death.
This is what happens when your customer tolerates you while actively
waiting for a break-through competitor to come in so they can willingly give them, not you, their money.
This isn’t about rewards programs (these guys had that) or faster
lines (the wait wasn’t bad). It’s not about simply being better than the
competition. I can promise you, in every line at this rental car pick
up, customers were having similar conversations.
It’s about disrupting how you do business today to serve your customer better tomorrow.
As I often say when I speak to groups, “Disruption takes you by surprise if you aren’t the one disrupting.” I should add to that, “and your customer is in the cheering section anticipating that moment.”
The question I’m sure you are asking yourself is, “How do I disrupt
my own business before someone else does?” Here are three ways:
- Eat Your Own Dog Food: Experience your product or service as one of your customers. Go through the entire process from what we call, “quote to cash to use.” Being your own customer is eye-opening. I promise that if any of those rental car HQ employees went out and experienced the process they’d be thinking, “maybe I should just grab an Uber?” What about those employees who are on the front lines, experiencing your customer’s pain every day, but nobody has ever asked them what their answer is? With the lens of the customer on, you’ll find ample room for innovation.
- Don’t Talk To Loyalists: One of my biggest frustrations with innovation projects is that we tend to want to talk to brand loyalists or customers that switched to our direct competitors. That’s all important, but still very myopic. How about talking to the people that have left the industry completely? They’ll give you tremendous insight into the scope of your real competition – alternative ways of doing things.
- Put Yourself Out Of Business: Sounds scary but, as I said before, if you don’t, someone else will. Don’t you want to be the one that keeps the business curve going? Wouldn’t that be better than being forced from it? One of my favorite things to do with clients is a “Day of Disruption” workshop. We image solutions that, if they existed, would totally disrupt their current state of business, if not make it entirely irrelevant. Be sure that right now, someone else out there is thinking about it too. AirBnB disrupted traditional hotels, Netflix shook up cable TV, Blue Apron shook up restaurant delivery. Imagine what would have happened had Blockbuster tried to get rid of their own late fees? Theirs might have been a story of reinvention instead of a famous cautionary tale.
Now imagine you’re at the re-invented rental car pick-up. Maybe there
aren’t lines? Maybe they come to you curbside? Maybe it’s not even a
traditional car you are renting? There are two people in front of you.
This time one says to the other, “I just love this part. It’s the one
thing I look forward to every time I travel.” The other replies with,
“Yes when [ insert name of any traditional rental car business ] decided
to shake things up I was so happy. I was looking for alternatives until
that happened.”
Eventually, your customers will be having these types of
conversations about you or about a competitor that you haven’t even
heard of yet.
You make and control your own opportunities if you decided to be the
one bold enough to disrupt your business as usual and change the
conversation? It could lead to:
- Customers that don’t hope desperately for you to go out of business
- Rising above the competition through your own innovative initiatives
- Loyal customers that willingly open up their wallets for you and become your biggest evangelists
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