This Common Word Makes You Sound More Negative Than You Want To
This tiny word is nearly unavoidable but frequently overused. Everything that follows it tends to make you sound like a downer.

to your brand and reputation, even if in subtle ways.
Typically, “but” follows a more positive
statement and signals a note of disagreement, opposition, or confused
thinking that’s just around the corner. Of course, you sometimes will need to register your objections at work–that much is inevitable. But
(ahem) there may be a better way to do that than to just stick a “but”
into your remarks and launch into your critique. Here are a few common
situations where it’s better to “but out,” and what to say instead.
1. When You Need To Disagree
easy to resort to “but” when you take issue with a colleague’s
thinking. You might say, “Yes, I get your point, but . . . ” This
phrasing, however, positions you as an opponent who’s determined to
refute the perspective your coworker just shared. It can generate a
subtly tense, even hostile atmosphere.
Does this mean you can’t
differ with your colleagues? Not at all. A better approach is to replace
the word “but” with “and.” The entire tenor of your remarks will
change. For example: “Yes, I get your point, and I’d like to expand upon
it.” Or, “I see what you’re saying, and it’s triggered another thought
in my mind.”
“And” introduces a more collaborative response and
positions you as a positive, friendly colleague who’s shifting the
conversation in a different direction, not turning it upside down.
2. When You’d Like To Add A Caveat
a caveat or qualifier is also easily done by using “but” phrases. You
might tell your boss, “I can do the creative for this campaign, but I’ll
need more time.” You may be right, but using “but” here undercuts the
positive message you just delivered: You would be available if
not for this one thing. By the time you’ve finished this statement,
you’ve called more attention to the obstacle in the way than to your
commitment and support.
It’s possible to communicate your caveat
much more positively. Eliminate that second clause and simply state, “I
can do the creative for this campaign. I’ll have it to you in a week.”
If your boss has a problem with that timetable, she’ll say so. But why
raise the issue yourself? After all, you want to sound like a good collaborator.
3. When You’re Dealing With Uncertainty
It’s also easy to use
“but” when you’re thinking out loud, weighing the merits of two or
three viewpoints. For example, someone at a meeting might say, “We could
take that approach with this client, but we could try a different
angle, too. What do you all think?” Or a job candidate might tell an
interviewer, “I know I have the skills required for this position, but I
can see that there will be new challenges, too. I’m confident I can
handle them by drawing on my experience, though.” This phrasing makes
the speakers sound unnecessarily tentative and confused.
It’s fine
to be uncertain now and then; the key is to position your ideas clearly
in spite of that. So even if you haven’t made up your mind among
several options or ideas, try to show the common thread that ties them
together and focus your remarks on that. For instance: “Both of
these approaches could be really compelling to our client. Which do all
of you think is the better one?” Or, “I know I have the skills and
experience to succeed in this role, including tackling the unfamiliar
challenges I’ll face.”
4. When You’re Ranking Information By Importance
final place to avoid using “but” is in joining together two ideas that
seem equally important. You might tell your coworkers, “Our gross
revenues remained solid this quarter, but our profits declined.” Even a
straightforward statement like this leaves your listeners to wonder
which metric is more important–revenues or profits.
Better to
subordinate one of these two ideas to the other. You could say, “Even
though our gross revenues remained solid, our profits declined.” The
goal here is simply to direct your listeners toward the most important
information, and this new statement leaves no uncertainty about that.
Don’t create a false balance by using the word “but.”
It’s a tiny,
completely unavoidable three-letter word that says more about you than
you might think. In many cases, “but” leaves you sounding a little less
positive than you otherwise could. It points toward disagreement and
muddled thinking on your part, and it occasionally leaves the door open
for negativity and confusion for your listeners. Pay a little more
attention to what you say, and you may find yourself using “but” a lot
less–and sounding infinitely more positive as a result.
Judith Humphrey is founder of The Humphrey Group,
a premier leadership communications firm headquartered in Toronto. She
is a communications expert whose business teaches global clients how to
communicate as confident, compelling leaders
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