The Secret of Innovative Companies: It Isn’t R&D
Innovation. It’s the lifeblood of our global economy and a strategic
priority for virtually every CEO around the world. In fact, a recent IBM study of 1,500 CEOs
identified creativity as the number-one “leadership competency”
of the
future. The power of innovative ideas to revolutionize industries and
generate wealth is evident from history: Apple iPod outplays Sony
Walkman, Starbucks’ beans and atmosphere drown traditional coffee shops,
Skype uses a strategy of “free” to beat AT&T, and Southwest
Airlines flies under the radar of American and Delta. In every case,
these innovative companies produced compelling competitive advantages
and tremendous wealth for pioneering a new path. Of course, the
retrospective $1 million question is, how did they do it? And perhaps
the prospective $1 billion question is, how might my company do it?Innovation starts at the top…
The code for innovation
is embedded in an organization’s people, processes and philosophies, or
the “3Ps.” Innovative people think differently and act differently to
generate creative ideas for new products, services, processes and
businesses. The behavior of leaders matters – tremendously. In fact,
innovative leaders weave a code for innovation deep into the world’s
most innovative—and often most valuable—companies; they generate a
tangible “Innovation Premium,” defined as the proportion of a company’s
market value that cannot be accounted for from cash flows of its current
products in its current markets. Or put another way, it’s the premium
the stock market gives a company because investors expect it to launch
new offerings and enter new markets that will generate even bigger
income streams.
Yet, these model leaders are few. In interviews with dozens of senior
executives of large organizations, we’ve found that in most cases they
did not feel personally responsible for coming up with innovations. They
only felt responsible to “facilitate the innovation process” and make
sure someone in the company was doing it. But in the world’s most innovative companies, senior leaders like Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Marc Benioff (,
A.G. Lafley (Procter & Gamble) and the late Steve Jobs (Apple)
didn’t just delegate innovation; their own hands were deep in the
process. Put simply, they behaved innovatively.
To illustrate,’s
Benioff gets many new ideas by networking with young entrepreneurs,
like Drew Houston, founder of DropBox, and Max Levchin, founder of Slide
and an early PayPal executive. Benioff was personally involved in
coming up with the idea for Chatter—social networking software for
business that is a mix of Facebook and Twitter. Chatter helps folks in
his company network better by helping them efficiently connect with
others and see what work is being done and what ideas others are
generating across the company. Chatter represents Benioff’s idea for how
to help others be better networkers. Plus, every Salesforce employee
(management and non-management alike) gets at least two days of
innovation training each year to help them maximize their contributions
to company-wide innovation processes like Chatter. Benioff’s skill as an
innovator has helped Salesforce generate a high innovation premium, but
if he doesn’t unleash the creative capacity of his employees through
innovation processes Salesforce will be unable to sustain its high
Innovation continues though all levels of the organization
By creating organizational processes that mirror their individual discovery behaviors, these leaders have built their personal innovator’s DNA
into their organizations. They also understand the critical need to
attract creative people if the company hopes to build a cadre of
innovators at all levels. Clearly, if companies want innovative ideas
from employees, they should screen for innovation potential in the
hiring process. For example, at Virgin, Richard Branson has made
innovation one of six key characteristics the company evaluates when
screening new employees. To get hired at Virgin, you must demonstrate a
“passion for new ideas,” you must “make your creativity apparent,” and
show “a track record of thinking differently.” Virgin describes its
people as “honest, cheeky, questioning, amusing, disruptive, intelligent
and restless.”
Google also uses an innovative technique for finding qualified and
creative job candidates called Google Code Jam, a problem-solving
tournament where participants compete online to solve the same problems
under the same time constraints. The prize for winning? $10,000 and a
job offer from Google. In fact, the top 20 finalists receive job offers.
Through use of the tournament, Google effectively screens twenty-one
thousand worldwide applicants for jobs in a matter of days with a format
that is almost entirely automated. The fact that winners of Code Jam
have come from Russia, Poland and China shows Google is attracting
global talent. While the early qualifying rounds largely test an
individual’s speed in solving computer programming problems, the final
challenge phase, conducted with the hundred finalists at Google’s
headquarters, asks the participant to demonstrate more innovative
thinking; each contestant attempts to crack the programming code of the
other participants. This process has been very successful at helping
Google find highly talented and creative programmers.
"When the CEO asks all job candidates whether they’ve ever invented anything, it sends a powerful signal that invention is expected and valued."
Innovative organizations must embed a philosophy that innovation is
expected from everyone – not just R&D. Amazon’s Bezos told us he
asks all job candidates: “‘Tell me about something that you have
invented.’ Their invention could be on a small scale—say, a new product
feature or a process that improves the customer experience, or even a
new way to load the dishwasher. But I want to know that they will try
new things.” When the CEO asks all job candidates whether they’ve ever
invented anything, it sends a powerful signal that invention is expected
and valued. “I also look for people who believe they can change the
world,” says Bezos. “If you believe the world can change, then it’s not a
stretch to believe you can be a part of it.”
In rejecting the limiting belief that innovation is R&D’s job
alone, leaders of highly innovative companies work hard to instill
“innovation is everyone’s job” as a guiding organizational mission. When
Jobs returned to Apple after a 12-year hiatus, he launched the “Think
Different” advertising campaign. The ad paid tribute to a wide range of
innovators saying, “Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The trouble
makers… the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo… they change things. They
push the human race forward.” The Emmy-winning campaign was hailed as
one of the most innovative of all time. What most people don’t realize,
though, is that the campaign targeted Apple employees as much as its
customers. “The whole purpose of the ‘Think Different’ campaign was that
people had forgotten what Apple stood for, including the employees,”
said Jobs. To reestablish Apple’s innovativeness, he knew that every
employee needed this message: “Our heroes are innovators. We stand for
innovation. If you want to work at Apple, we expect you to innovate.”
Invest in innovation
Almost everywhere we go, we hear executives and professionals
complain about having “no time” to innovate. Other leaders highlight
factors such as short-term pressures from investors, talent
deficiencies, the challenge of implementing innovation-friendly rewards
structures, the still fuzzy nature of innovation, and in candid moments,
their own discomfort with the different mental frames required to lead
innovation. But in the end, innovation is an investment, in leadership
and the team.
It’s time for leadership to step up. As the data suggests, top
executives who value innovation need to point their fingers not at
others but themselves. They must lead the innovation charge by
understanding how innovation works, improving their own discovery
skills, and sharpening their ability to foster the innovation of others.
Moreover, they must actively populate their organizations with enough
discovery-driven innovators to make innovation a team game that
translates into tangible and sustainable innovation premiums.
Whether you’re working at the top of an organization or at the bottom
as a technical specialist, eBay’s former CEO Meg Whitman advised
everyone “to have the courage to plant acorns before you need oak
trees.” Innovation is all about planting acorns (ideas) with less than
complete confidence that each will grow into something meaningful. The
alternative, however, is little or no growth when no acorns emerge as
trees. By understanding and reinforcing the DNA of individual innovators
within innovative organizations and teams, you too can find better ways
to successfully nourish not just growth saplings but the real oak trees
of future growth. If you take this innovation challenge to your
company or team, it’s worth keeping in mind the final line from Apple’s
original ‘Think Different’ campaign: “The people who are crazy enough to
think they can change the world are the ones who do.” Just do it, now.
About the Authors
Jeff Dyer (PhD, UCLA) and Hal Gregersen (PhD, University of California, Irvine) are the co-creators of Innovator’s Accelerator, a revolutionary new digital program that teaches teams the innovation skills they need to transform organizations.
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