Japan provides US $700 million to African Development Fund

The loan will provide the African Development Fund with
resources to support recipient countries during the ADF-14 period
(January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019), and contribute to economic
growth as well as poverty alleviation in Africa’s least developed
The President of the African Development Bank
Group, Akinwumi Adesina, acknowledged the landmark event and expressed
the Bank’s gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Japan.
Signing the Notes of Exchange, Adesina said, “Thanks to Japan and its
Government for keeping a promise. One often hears about many
international pledges of development cooperation remaining unfilled. I
would like to commend the full accomplishment of Japan’s commitments to
Africa’s development. With its US $700-million loan, which came on top
of US $328 million in the form of a grant, Japan has significantly
contributed to the ADF commitment capacity for the period 2017-2019.”
stated that Japan was a longstanding development partner for Africa,
with a significant portion of its aid commitments to the continent
channeled through the African Development Bank Group. “Japan is the
second-largest contributor to the ADF in cumulative terms, and it has
increased its contributions significantly over time.”
speaking on the occasion, Japan’s Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, Hiroshi
Kawamura, said he was glad to sign the accord to bolster Africa’s
socio-economic development. “Our contributions to the ADF-14
replenishment will allow the Government of Japan to increase its
contributions to 7.3%, against 6.7% for the ADF-13,” he stated.
to Kawamura: “We hope the loans and grants will be used effectively to
improve economic and social conditions of less privileged people in
Africa. Also, the reason of our meeting today would further contribute
to accelerating the Tokyo International Conference on African
Development (TICAD).”
The Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) Chief Representative in Côte d’Ivoire, Tsutomu
Iimura, said his institution fully adheres to the African Development
Bank’s High 5s. “There
is no limit in the potential collaboration and synergies between the
two institutions.” Iimura expressed the hope that JICA’s projects and
contributions to ADF-14 would bolster the Bank’s capacity to carry out
the objectives of the High 5s in countries where support is most needed.
the accord for the African Development Bank, Acting Vice-President for
Finance, Hassatou N’Sele, thanked the Japanese Government and its people
for “exceptional support” to the ADF-14 replenishment, noting that,
“These investments by Japan will make a difference in the lives of many
Africans. Japan is one of the African Development Bank’s most privileged
partners. Your various financial instruments will help us meet our
development goals”.
The African Development Fund is part
of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group and provides support
primarily to least developed and poor countries in the form of very
long-term, low-interest financing. In contrast, the African Development
Bank, which is the other arm of the African Development Bank Group,
provides financing to middle-income countries in Africa.
its inception in 1972, the African Development Fund has conventionally
received subscriptions in the form of grants from donor countries,
including Japan, as a source of funding to achieve its development
mandate. During the negotiations of its fourteenth replenishment, the
African Development Fund offered donor countries the opportunity to
include concessional loans within subscriptions to the Fund for the very
first time.
JICA also provides private sector
development support through projects under Enhanced Private Sector
Assistance for Africa (EPSA), which the Government of Japan and the
African Development Bank launched as a strategy for support in Africa in
July 2005. It is JICA’s policy to maintain its relationship with the
African Development Bank Group as an important development partner
contributing to economic growth and poverty alleviation in Africa.
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