The Missing Entrepreneurs 2017

The OECD (INSME Moral Sponsor) and the European Commission have recently released the 4th edition of The Missing Entrepreneurs. The report analyses the most relevant challenges and barriers to entrepreneurship faced by disadvantaged groups such as women, youth or workers with a migrant background as well as the policy measures and programmes supporting inclusive entrepreneurship that could be a way to respond to these challenges and create jobs.
Among the interesting data included, the report shows that women are less likely to report they have the right skills and knowledge to start a business than men: 34.1% vs. 49.9% for men in the European Union between 2012 and 2016, and 36.8% vs. 51.2% for men in OECD countries. This is only one of the data showing the need
to design new public policies facilitating and encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, in particular by ensuring that everyone could have the same opportunities, regardless of personal characteristics or background.
The 2017’s edition is enriched with a series of country profiles covering recent trends in inclusive entrepreneurship, key policy challenges and recent policy actions in each of the 28 EU Member States.
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2017 is downloadable here.
