African Exhibition of Building and related trades in the Exhibition Park of TSINGA-YAOUNDE in Cameroon.
trade show shall take place from 13th to 17th March 2018
under the patronage
of H.E. the Prime Minister, Head of Government, and
sponsorship of the Permanent Conference of African and French-speaking Trade
Chambers (CPCCAF).
The objectives of AFRIBAT
Cameroun 2018 are, on the one hand, to promote Africa’s building
industry within the ECCAS sub-region by bringing the actors involved (business
owners and visitors engaged building construction) into direct contact and, on
the other hand, sensitise public authorities as well as technical and financial
partners on the stakes and prospects of the building industry sector in Africa.
The event
will enable a broad exposure of Cameroon, considering the expected number of
visitors (10,000) for this first edition, business development in the building
and public works sector through the direct conclusion of commercial
transactions and dynamisation of the economic environment by concentrating
economic activity around building construction, and the substantial spinoffs in
terms of energy consumption, international and intra- and inter-city
transportation, hotel and restaurant business, trade, etc.
Cameroon 2018 will be a platform for
international meetings and the galvanisation of cooperation among
professionals, experts and business leaders of the building construction and
public works sector.
Cameroon 2018 is a specialist trade show at
which decision-makers and professional visitors will meet with local and
international suppliers showcasing their know-how and innovations on exhibition
grounds of close to 10,000 m2 at the Tsinga Exhibition Centre. This
first edition will welcome mainly Tunisia as guest of honour on its own
pavilion of 1,000 m2.
Cameroun 2018 will attract many
professionals who will be there to valorise and promote innovation in the
building industry and related trades, such as:
Foundation designing
Furnishing and decoration
Consultancy firms and engineering
Public Works materials and equipment
Electrification/Solar energy
Building materials
Waterproofing and sanitation
Paints and glues
Structural chemistry
Telephony and Security
Heating and air-conditioning
Contracting firms
Real estate agencies
Sanitary fittings and taps
Services Providers (Architects, Town planners, Surveyors)
fifteen foreign delegations from the Maghreb, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and
America will be present at AFRIBAT Cameroun 2018.
AFRIBAT Cameroun 2018 is all about:
than 400 Cameroonian, Tunisian and foreign exhibitors of various building
trades expected.
sessions on topics in the construction sector moderated by a dozen of
than 200 B2B business appointments which will be organised.
Trades and Innovations Area presenting the latest technologies and new building
to 1000 professional visitors and 10,000 mainstream visitors expected.
To register for this event, please email @
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