High-level opportunities for networking at the 10th INSME Annual Meeting!
The agenda of the international Conference has been finalized and national and international high-level speakers have confirmed their participation. Participants will get the exclusive opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with speakers as well as key players in the innovation ecosystem, via diverse networking and match-making initiatives to be held during the Annual Meeting. In addition, on the 20th of March participants will get the chance to participate in the Innovation Tour to Masdar City and broaden their knowledge thanks to an International Expert Training that this year will focus on “Sustainability, Innovation and Design”, “Commercialization of Research” and “Tricks and Tips on Creative Communication”.
BE PART of the upcoming 10th INSME Annual Meeting by registering through www.2014.insme.org.
The INSME Secretariat is also available to answer your questions at 2014@insme.it.
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