Initiative: Start-up Chile
Start-up Chile is a program created by the Government of Chile aiming at attracting early stage high potential entrepreneurs to strengthen the entrepreneurship eco-system
and position Chile as the leading innovation and entrepreneurial hub of
Latin America. Eligible participants must be Chilean or foreign natural
persons over eighteen years of age who are the founders or owners of a
global project to be implemented using Chile as a platform.
The program
assigns a 40.000 US $ grant per project (20,000,000 CLP $) and a 1-year
resident visa to all team members specified on the application. Each
year the program opens three application rounds and 100 teams are
selected per round. Projects may not consist of exportation and
importation of products, consulting services and franchises, as these
are not considered to be highly scalable projects with high growth
potential. Likewise, projects must be in early stages of development,
understanding these to be projects with less than two years of
development.Find out more about the 2014 applications rounds at the following page.
Source: INSME
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