Cameroon’s Economic Growth Picks Up Slowly
By Godlove BAINKONG, Cameroon Tribune, 24-11-2013
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Cameroon’s economic growth
rate has picked up and could hit 4.7 per cent this year. The 2013 World
Economic and Financial Surveys for Sub-Saharan Africa presented to the
Cameroonian economic stakeholders in Yaounde on Friday November 22 in a
ceremony chaired by the Minister of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey,
accompanied by his colleague of the Economy, Planning and Regional
Development, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi and in the presence of a visiting
joint IMF/World Bank team, shows that the Sub-region is resilient to
global economic hardship and is faring on well.
“The economic prospects
are good. We are projecting a 5 per cent economic growth rate for
Sub-Saharan Africa this year and 6 per cent in 2014 and with what is
happening in the rest of the world, we can say it is encouraging,”,
Boriana Yontcheva, IMF Resident Representative in Cameroon, said.
An IMF report presented in Yaounde on Friday November 22, 2013 shows that the performance is not sufficient to meet development objectives.
Cameroon’s Performance
The 4.7
per cent projected growth rate for 2013, the IMF report notes, would be
an improvement from the 4.1 per cent of 2011 and 4.6 per cent of 2012.
The growth rate is improving yes, but remains below the sub-regional
average of 5 per cent for 2013 and also not good enough to meet the
development objectives of the State. “Cameroon’s growth rate is also
increasing but we think there could be higher level of growth in the
country with more structural reforms,” Boriana Yontcheva noted. The
State had initially planned to attain a 6.1 per cent economic growth
rate this year but later reviewed it down to 4.8 per cent.
the framework of the emergent vision of the State contained in the
Growth and Employment Strategy Paper, government is projecting a
double-digit growth rate by 2020 (10.2 per cent) but the IMF survey
indicates that if the country were to keep pace with its present
economic performance, then its growth rate in 2020 would be 5.4 per cent
all things being equal.
Where the Shoe Pinches
believes the amount of money spent to subsidize energy is relatively
high. On the controversial fuel subsidy, the IMF Resident Representative
in Cameroon as well as the leader of the visiting, IMF/World Bank
delegation, Mario de Zamaroczy, said the powers that be need to carry
out an in-depth study to know the category of people who benefit
directly from the fuel subsidy so as to know what decision to take about
The Way Forward
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