Innovations to Accelerate Public Contract Award, Execution
By Godlove BAINKONG, Cameroon Tribune, 06-08-2013
A Presidential Ordinance of August 5 modifies seven of the 31 articles of the March 8, 2012 decree specifying the rules of actors.
What Has Changed?
modification touches articles 5, 6, 8,10,11,29 and 31 on the competences
of the different contract award committees which are technical organs
to ensure transparency in the award and execution of public contracts.
These are Central Committees, Ministerial Committees, Regional
Committees and Local and Internal Committees.
Central Committees
modified article 5 of the decree no. 2012/074 of March 8, 2012
stipulates that the central committee for the award of public contracts
will henceforth deal with projects from government ministries, public
administrations, decentralised local collectivities and public and
para-public institutions whose amounts range from FCFA 100 million to
FCFA 5 billion. These include FCFA 5 billion for roads, FCFA 1 billion
for other infrastructure, FCFA 500 million for public buildings and
other equipment and FCFA 250 million for general supplies as well as
FCFA 100 million for services and intellectual works. This is an
evolution from the March 8, 2012 decree which gave the central
committees for the award of public contracts the power to take care of
projects whose amount range from FCFA 500 million for roads, FCFA 500
million for infrastructure, FCFA 200 million for buildings and
collective logistics, FCFA 100 million for general supplies to FCFA 50
million for intellectual consultancy.
Ministerial Committees
ministerial committees took care of contracts in the ministries whose
amounts equal or surpass FCFA 5 million but did not attain FCFA 50
million. With the modification, especially article 6, the committees now
have the right to control contracts whose amount equal FCFA 5 million
but are below FCFA 5 billion for roads and other infrastructure whose
amounts are equal to FCFA 5 million but do not surpass FCFA 1 billion,
public buildings and other equipment ranging from FCFA 5 million but
below FCFA 500 million. They also have the competence on general
supplies whose amounts are equal to or above FCFA 5 million but below
FCFA 250 million as well as services and intellectual consultancy with
amounts equal to or above FCFA 5 million but below FCFA 100 million.
Regional Committees
are in charge of projects whose amounts vary from FCFA 50 million and
below FCFA 1 billion for roads, other infrastructural projects to the
tune of FCFA 50 million but below FCFA 500 million and public buildings
and equipment amounting to FCFA 50 million but below FCFA 250 million.
General supplies ranging from FCFA 50 million and below FCFA 100 million
as well as services and consultancy works amounting to FCFA 15 million
but below FCFA 50 million are also within the competence of the regional
Who Awards What Contract?
the modification, on the proposal of different committees, the Minister
in charge of Public Contracts launches calls for tenders and awards
contracts for projects equal to or above FCFA 5 billion for roads and
FCFA 1 billion for other infrastructure, among others. Ministers are
responsible for launching calls for tenders and awarding contracts, for
example on road projects, whose amounts are equal to FCFA 5 million but
below FCFA 5 billion. The decree specifies that the Minister of Public
Contracts has a seven-day deadline to visa the signing of contracts
under his competences. The Minister also has the right to award
contracts without tenders (emergency purposes) but which must align with
the laws in force. In case any other Minister or vote holder wants to
do same for contracts within his competences, the Presidential Ordinance
obliges him or her to obtain authorisation from the Minister of Public
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