Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars 2014 – 2015 Academic Year
The programme seeks to nurture junior African Scholars
interested in pursuing a career in Peace, Security & Development,
and to equip them with the skills necessary to achieve this.Through
taught courses as well as rigorous mentoring activities, the programme
will accomplish the following objectives:
1. Increase the pool of African experts in the area of peace, security and development working to generate African‐led ideas to address the security and development challenges on the continent.
2. Foster studies on Peace and Security issues within African institutions of higher learning, and ensure that academic institutions have better access to knowledge and expertise on these issues.
3. Inject skills within regional and national centres of excellence so that they can strengthen their research capacity on peace, security and development topics with independent and critical approaches.
4. Contribute to expertise on peace and security that is grounded in the pursuit of excellence and integrity.
• In order to be considered eligible, candidates must have citizenship in an African country.
• Successful candidates must hold valid travel documents prior to acceptance.
• The competition is open only to junior faculty members based in universities in Africa from departments of political science; international relations; history, law, development studies, peace, security and conflict studies, and related departments.
• Candidates need to demonstrate an interest in pursuing careers in the field of Peace, Security and Development. Previous study or engagement with the issues of Security & Development is not required however candidates must demonstrate a basic familiarity with these issues. Candidates must additionally be able to demonstrate that they are committed to contributing to work on peace and security in Africa.
• Candidates will be expected to have a clear plan on how to utilise knowledge gained in the Fellowship upon returning to their countries and academic institutions.
• Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English.
• Candidates must be able to demonstrate the following values during the application phase: Independent thinking; Integrity; Pursuit of excellence; and a value for all forms of diversity.
Programme Activities
The Programme is divided into two phases:
Phase 1: The first phase consists of a 12‐month training programme based at King's College London. This phase will comprise of regular group mentoring sessions with renowned academics, policy analysts and practitioners as well as a taught Master's programme in Security, Leadership and Society, which will be taught at King's College London. For a large part of this phase, Fellows will be based at King's College London. In addition Fellows will spend brief periods at the African Leadership Centre and Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi, where they will be required to undertake research and deliver research papers on peace,security and development in Africa. Institutional Visits: During the 12‐month period at King's College in London, Fellows will undertake visits to academic, policy and research institutions working on issues of Peace, Security and Development.>>>
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