PM Instructs Speed up Of Road Projects
By Kimeng Hilton, Cameroon Tribune, 29-05-2014
Below is the press release following the
16th session of the National Road Board of May 27, 2014.
The session was devoted mainly to: (i)
assessing the implementation progress of 2013 programmes; and (ii) considering
FY 2014 programmes for validation.
In his opening statement, the Chairman
of the Board drew the attention of contracting Authorities on the need to
optimize resources allocated for road infrastructure construction,
rehabilitation and maintenance works. He asked them to resort to direct labour
for minor works and to look for strategies to reduce the cost of road inputs
such as aggregates and reinforcing steel. He also recommended the use of
approved, much cheaper surfacing products such as ROCAMIX, CARBONCOR and
With regard to the progress of 2013
programmes, the Board’s assessment was that the rate of implementation was
satisfactory overall. This was evidenced in the completion of major projects
such as the rehabilitation and public lighting of the Nsam-Obobogo-rails
stretch of road; the construction of the 50th Anniversary Avenue at
Omnisport; development of a path for climbing Mount Djoumbal in Adamawa Region;
the development of an access road to Mount Don i Tison in Centre Region; and
the development of an access road to the banks of River Benoue.
With regard to accessibility of production
basins, the Ministry in charge of agriculture contributed to open 44 km of
farm-to-market and agricultural feeder roads; rehabilitate 106 km of
farm-to-market and agricultural feeder roads; and construct and rehabilitate 13
crossing structures for a total cost of CFAF 903 million. As concerns the
implementation of the road programmes of bodies supervised by this Ministry,
6,821 km of farm-to-market and feeder roads were maintained.
Besides, urban road maintenance and
rehabilitation works progressed significantly in some towns, including Douala,
Yaoundé, Galim-Tignère, Ayos, Gari-Gombo, Mbang, Pette, Dizangue, Beka, Bazou,
Bangourain, Lokoundje, Bangem and Kombo-Itindi. Three funding agreements have
also been signed for a number of major projects including the Kumba-Mamfe road,
funded by ADB and BDEAC, and the Sangmelima-Djoum road, funded by the Saudi
Development Fund. Since its inception in 2011, the operation aimed at
controlling, supervising and punishing road offences has helped to scale down
the number of fatal road accidents to less than 30% and fetched CFAF
1,038,800,900 into the State Treasury
provided institutional support and technical expertise. These include the
geotechnical supervision of construction works on the second bridge over River
Wouri, the geotechnical supervision of construction works on the
Mengong-Sangmélima, Obala-Batchenga-Bouam, Nandéké-Mbéré-Ngaoundéré,
Bachuo-Akagbé-Mamfé roads as well as the access road to the Mekin dam; the
signing of technical assistance agreements with some contracting authorities,
support to SMEs through equipment leases; and the organization of
capacity-building sessions for staff of some Government departments.
Partnership agreements were signed with
some public institutional stakeholders of the infrastructure sector.
Furthermore, modules on the promotion of local materials were inserted in the
training programmes for auditors of the National Advanced School of Public Works
and Public Works Professional Training Centres.
To date, the implementation of many
ongoing projects is advanced – installation of video-surveillance systems in
some streets of Yaoundé; operationalizing of regional highways and traffic
brigades; putting in place of a system of removal of obstacles and broken-down
vehicles on the Yaoundé-Douala-Bafoussam-Yaoundé highways; launching of
procedures for the procurement of crushing stations; installation of a
GPS-based speed-tracking system on inter-urban roads; development of access
roads to the low-cost housing sites at Olembe; construction maintenance works
on the East entrance road in Yaoundé (Mimboman-Yaoundé) ;
rehabilitation of Biyem-Assi district roads; curative maintenance works at
some critical points in Douala (Nyalla- Bassa Gare-Wouri Bridge
entrance) and rehabilitation of the National Comprehensive College
junction-Middle farm road in Limbe.
Under the Road Fund’s Investment and
Maintenance Window, over CFAF 123 billion were disbursed to various authorizing
officers. In the same vein, the CFAF 352.7 billion mobilized by the Ministry of
Public Works in 2013 allowed for the construction of 196 km of tarred roads and
the rehabilitation of 148 km as well as 1,500 km of rural roads; the
maintenance of 7,800 km of main roads, 3,286 km of tarred roads, 500 km of
priority rural roads and the follow-up of close to 2,300 road projects.
Proceedings continued with the
consideration and validation of FY 2014 programmes including: the
rehabilitation of the Nsimeyong-Carrefour Olympique road stretch in Yaounde;
the intensification of sensitization and road safety actions; the northerly
extension of the Boulevard de la République in Douala; the development
of some road junctions in Douala (Déido-Bessengue-Camp Yabassi-Agip and
Saint-Michel roundabouts); the geotechnical supervision of works to open up
production basins; the grant of official approval of standards for using local
materials; the opening of 215 Km of farm-to-market and feeder roads and
construction of 23 crossing structures; the construction of the access road of
the Douala Gynaeco-obstetrical Hospital; the construction of the
Yaoundé-Nsimalen motorway, as well as the rehabilitation of roads in some
secondary towns including Abong-Mbang, Bafia, Banyo, Foumban, Nkongsamba,
Kye-Ossi, Fundong and Yabassi. The
Ministry of Public Works announced the
development of the East and West entry roads to Douala, as well as construction
works of the second bridge over River Wouri and the first ten sections of the
Yaounde-Douala motorway. As part of decentralization, the Minister for Housing
and Urban Development transferred CFAF 840 million to 17 councils; CFAF 40
million under C2D financing have been allocated to various works in the towns
of Bafoussam, Garoua and Bertoua.
At the end of these statements and ensuing
discussions, the Board noted the constraints raised by contracting authorities
and delegated contracting authorities in the implementation of road projects
particularly irresponsible behaviour by some road users. The remedial measures
proposed include the strengthening of the legal arsenal for punishing road
offences, the alignment of timeframes for study and procurement procedures with
the implementation schedule of road projects; and the acceleration of the computerization
of tollgates.
Specifically, the Chairman of the Road
Board instructed inter alia:
The Minister for Housing and Urban
Development, to speed up the completion of ongoing projects and
ensure that new works with already awarded contracts start up promptly;
The Minister for the Economy, Planning
and Regional Development:
- to liaise with the
Minister for Finance, the Minister for Public Works and the Minister for Urban
Development to speed up the rehabilitation of MATGENIE, by effectively
implementing the provisions of its business plan to boost engineering equipment
-to continue working closely with all
stakeholders, to strengthen the operational capacities of local and regional
authorities by actually implementing the project to procure civil engineering
equipment for local councils;
The Minister for Transport, to optimize
the mechanism for removal of obstacles and broken-down vehicles on the
Yaoundé-Douala-Bafoussam-Yaounde triangle roads;
The Minister for Public Works, to
liaise with the Minister for Urban Development and the Minister for Territorial
Administration, to assess the relevance of establishing LABOGENIE nationwide,
through the creation of regional branches;
The Minister for Finance, to
finalize the study on the sustainability of Road Fund resources and its
transformation into a second-generation Road Fund by instituting an effective
mechanism for collecting and managing resources;
The Minister-Delegate at the Presidency
of the Republic in charge of Public Contracts, to liaise with contracting
authorities and delegated contracting authorities and submit to him relevant
proposals for optimizing procurement procedures for road infrastructures,
factoring in the seasonal nature of the related works.
All Contracting Authorities:
- to capitalize on the expertise of
LABOGENIE and MIPROMALO in constructing road infrastructure and/or
manufacturing approved, less costly road inputs;
- to make full use of all novelties
offered by Decree No. 2014/0004/PM of 16 January 2014 defining the terms and
conditions for the financing of direct labour works by the Road Fund and Decree
No. 2014/0521/PM of 19 March 2014 to regulate interventions pertaining to roads
and other networks in urban areas;
The Board session wrapped up after
consideration of sundry issues linked to the national road policy.
Proceedings were adjourned at 1:35 p.m./-
Yaounde, 27 May 2014
MOTAZE Louis Paul, Secretary-General of the Prime Minister’s Office
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