Germany to Disburse FCFA 56.744 Billion For Cameroon's Decentralisation, Rural Dev’t…
By Godlove BAINKONG, Cameroon Tribune, 14-05-2014
The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT), Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, and the German Ambassador to Cameroon, Dr. Klaus-Ludwig Keferstein, yesterday May 13 signed two accords related to the projects.
accords comprised one, on technical cooperation, to the tune of 38.5
million Euros (about FCFA 25.256 billion) to be disbursed in form of a
gift and another, on financial cooperation, to the tune of 48 million
Euros (about FCFA 31.488 billion) in form of a loan.
during the ceremony, Minister Nganou Djoumessi said the loan will be
tailored towards modernizing the management of public finances,
development of the rural world, decentralization, sustainable management
of natural resources and facilitating access to reproductive health.
Meanwhile, the gift will be used for the fight against maternal
mortality and support to forest and environment programmes, among
others. Respective agreements related to each of the projects, he said,
will be signed subsequently. The Minister disclosed that yesterday’s
ceremony was a culmination of inter-governmental negotiations of
December 3-4, 2013. “This accord is testimony to Germany’s determination
to continue to support our development efforts and which translates
into concrete reality the solidity of our mutually-beneficial
cooperation,” Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi said.
to the German Ambassador to Cameroon, Dr. Klaus-Ludwig Keferstein, the
funding is in line with the priorities of Germano-Cameroon cooperation
redefined during the inter-governmental concertations prior to signing
the financing accords. “Germany in its long tradition and cooperation
with Cameroon and her willingness to contribute to the development and
modernization of Cameroon, inscribes these engagements within the Growth
and Employment Strategy Paper, which seeks to make Cameroon an emerging
country, democratic and united in its diversity by 2035,” the German
diplomat said.>>>
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