Mo Ibrahim: "If you want to make money, go to Africa"
Interview: Daniel Ammann & Simon Brunner,, 06.08.2013

Mo Ibrahim, few people know Africa as well as you do. How great is its economic potential?
Mo Ibrahim: I like to say, "If you want to make
money, go to Africa." And that's not an emotional or political
statement. We're talking about facts. Just look at the World Bank data.
The return on capital is higher than almost anywhere else. It doesn't
take a genius to recognize Africa's potential. The continent is open for
new services, for trade, for large infrastructure projects – and it is
rich in raw materials.
So what does the continent need in order to prosper?
Capital. And that's also why the return is so high. The demand for capital is huge, the supply limited.
In western countries, there's a wide gap between Africa's reputation and the reality as you describe it.
For my generation, the image of Africa was shaped by
Tarzan movies. Tribal people living in the jungle, not wearing much in
the way of clothes, eating each other. We got the message: This is
cannibal country.
That was in the 1940s and '50s...
But the only thing to have changed since then is the
cast of characters. When people in the West hear or read about Africa,
it's usually about civil wars, such as the ones raging now in Somalia or
Mali, or about famine. In the holiday season they get those cards with
touching images, the children's faces with the huge eyes. People think
to themselves, those Africans can't do it alone. They're poor. They're
sick. They're undernourished. And the children can't go to school. Of
course, the relief organizations have the best intentions, but they're
not exactly doing justice to the reality of Africa.
The negative image sticks to Africa like glue.
Exactly. Even when it comes to African leaders, people
in the West still think of the horrors of the past 50 years: Idi Amin,
Mobutu Sese Seko, Sani Abacha and all the other kleptocrats. People
don't realize that there are amazing heads of state here in Africa. Who
knows about Joaquim Chissano in Mozambique, Festus Mogae in Botswana or
Pedro Pires of the Cape Verde Islands? These men are heroes. They are
our role models. We have to make them better known – to Westerners and
to our own people. The Nobel Prize is awarded to outstanding scientists,
and that's great, but nobody explicitly recognizes outstanding African
And that's why you initiated a prize that
awards more money than the Nobel Prize? The Mo Ibrahim Prize for
Achievement in African Leadership is given to an outgoing head of state
or government, who receives 5 million US dollars over ten years upon
leaving office and then 200,000 US dollars per year for life.
The prize is intended to acknowledge exceptional
achievement. If a head of state manages to free hundreds of thousands of
people from poverty, improve the health and education systems, promote
democracy and – very important – leave office peacefully and on
schedule, you have to appreciate that. I never tire of saying it: These
people are heroes. But nobody knows about them!
How are the heads of state evaluated?
My foundation worked with Harvard University to develop
the Ibrahim Index of African Governance. It examines 88 statistical
indicators, in categories from rule of law to political participation to
sustainable economic opportunity. Simply put, it is a comprehensive
data set that lays out in great detail how well each country in Africa
is governed. With this wealth of data, we can evaluate the performance
of the individual countries and their leaders and rank them in order.
Speaking of "good governance", in your own
companies, corruption was never an issue. How did you manage this amid a
swamp of corruption?
First of all, you must take a crystal-clear stance
against corruption, one that your employees understand and support. I
was certain of one thing: Bribery hurts the country, the company and its
stakeholders. Anyone who engages in bribery puts the company's future
at risk, because sooner or later these things always come to light.
What concrete steps did you take to guard your billion-dollar enterprise against corruption?
We put in place a system that promotes clean business
dealings. A major problem with bribery is that the people at
headquarters don't know what's happening in the field. When they visit
their outposts, they're assured that everything is in proper order. At
Celtel, my African telecommunications firm, we solved that with a rule
that any expenditure over 30,000 US dollars had to be approved by the
full board of directors. Every single one. Then if somebody pressured
one of our employees for a bribe, he could say that he had to get it
approved first. When word got around that this is the only way we do
business, there were no more attempts to apply pressure.
What was it like to put this measure into practice?
The hardest part was being able to reach the entire
board of directors quickly. I told each board member, "Give me your
private phone number and your fax number, your wife's number, the phone
and fax at your vacation home – and if you're having an affair, I need
that person's number too." This was not always well received.
CEOs often complain that corruption is part
of life in certain parts of the world and that they can't do anything
about it on their own.
The business side tends to see itself in the role of
victim. I disagree. It is just as involved as the government and has to
be punished if bribery happens. It doesn't do any good to say "The
government is corrupt, that's how the system works." No. It's critical
for companies to understand that they can be part of the solution. The
business world is part of the system – and capable of changing it.
You have high expectations for corporations.
Ultimately, business must always promote freedom, the
rule of law and the protection of property, because corruption and
nepotism hurt corporations.
You founded two corporations and sold them
for more than 4 billion US dollars in total. In each case, the employees
benefited too, because they held shares. What's the advantage of this?
Two things are important here: fairness and incentives. A
company's employees must view themselves as partners; it's their
company too. This creates completely different dynamics and attitude.
What better motivation could there be? Sometimes, shareholders are
skeptical about a high rate of employee participation. We tell them, you
never lose if the employees have a financial interest. The pie just
gets bigger. It's a win-win situation.
Apart from the internal mechanisms, how important is a liberal environment for doing business?
Freedom is fundamental if firms are to prosper. Just as
important are clear rules and their enforcement. There has to be the
right balance between a liberalized economy and a good amount of
What are the fundamental preconditions for doing business in a developing nation?
There have to be clear and fair laws and legal
certainty. The laws can't change from month to month. Also, the
judiciary must function well. It has to be completely independent, or
else even the best laws don't help. And finally, justice must be swift.
If a court takes ten years to come to a decision, it's of little use. By
then, one of the parties involved is bankrupt.
Is Africa still poor because these preconditions have not been met?
To a certain degree, yes. In fairness, it must be said
that the rule of law has made great progress in many African countries.
Nowadays, I'd rather go to court in Africa than in Russia or China. The
judiciary is certainly not perfect, but it's also not as bad as people
outside Africa like to think. Many courts are reasonable. But it's true
that without good government, Africa will not make progress.
What role should development aid play for Africa?
I am convinced that the continent can do this on its
own. We don't need help, and we don't need development money. What we
need is capital. Last year, about 50 billion US dollars of foreign
direct investments came in, and we could have used about 200 billion US
dollars. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against humanitarian aid and
what it can do after a tsunami in Asia, a tornado in the United States
or even a civil war in Africa.
What's your opinion of microfinancing?
Microfinancing is good for promoting small initiatives,
such as giving a seamstress the opportunity to buy her own sewing
machine. It doesn't create thousands of jobs, but for that woman it can
mean a huge improvement in her situation. It's like an orchestra, where
every instrument has a part to play.
You have a degree in engineering and you run mobile telecommunication companies. How important is the mobile phone for Africa?
It would be impossible to overestimate its socioeconomic
and political significance. It's immense. Africa is the world's second
largest continent, and yet its population had long been technologically
isolated. Very few people could afford a land line. And if they did have
the money for it, they had to wait for years to get it, because the
state monopolies operated so inefficiently. Almost nobody had a
television. People had access to very little information about the
world, or even about their own country. The telecommunications industry
brought a revolution. It made an active, informed civil society possible
– and it created wealth.
Mobile banking – as in transferring money using a mobile
phone – fundamentally changed Africa. For you in Switzerland, it's
normal to have a bank account and make transactions online or in a local
branch. And you have a variety of credit cards. Until a short time ago,
none of that was the case in Africa. Banks had branches almost
exclusively in the major cities, and they served a small circle of
business customers and rich members of the elite. Imagine a business
that had to get along without financial service providers!
And so, mobile banking ...
... gave millions of people access to a bank. Now they
can send and receive money with minimal transaction fees. This has
brought lasting improvement to people's lives. A woman whose mother
lives in a village several days' journey away can send her money within
seconds. A farmer no longer has to make the trek to town simply to order
seeds. Two moneychangers in a border region want to complete a
transaction with Ugandan shillings and Tanzanian shillings? Thanks to
the mobile phone, they know the exact exchange rate instantly. This is
highly efficient and builds prosperity.
What do you see as the future of such mobile services?
Africa today is the leader in mobile banking. The future
of retail banking will be mobile, even in Western countries – it's
simply faster and more practical. Africa is very advanced when it comes
to mobile telecommunications. Celtel did away with roaming fees ten
years ago. Is there a mobile network in your area that offers the same
rate for domestic calls and international calls to neighboring
What else can we learn from Africa?
(laughs) I don't know whether I'm in a position to
answer that. The West likes to tell us what we need to do. We can all
learn from each other, but we shouldn't be telling each other what to
The mobile phone is used for many different purposes in developing nations. Which of these have you not anticipated?
I've already seen services that help expose corruption.
If an official solicits a bribe, you can take a picture and send it to a
certain place to report him. Or there's this app for personal safety;
if you're attacked, the app sends a text message to all the mobile
phones in the area and to the local radio station.
You mentioned that mobile telecommunications also have political effects.
In repressive regimes, the rights of citizens are
restricted. They can't communicate freely, express their opinions,
assemble in public. In those countries, the government often controls
the police, the military and even the media. Mobile phones have made a
In what way?
It has become more difficult for regimes to hide what
they do. If something happens, the news spreads like wildfire. Also,
nowadays people can exchange information freely and organize resistance
away from the state's watchful eye. The mobile phone played a central
role in the "Arab Spring." In the past, we lived in the dark, so to
speak. My generation had only one daily newspaper, one radio station and
one TV station – and they all belonged to the government. Now we have
turned on the lights. The mobile telephone has given society a tool for
freedom, for resisting oppression.
Mo Ibrahim was born in Northern Sudan in 1946, the son
of a cotton trader, and was educated in Egypt. He worked for the
Sudanese telephone company, earned his doctorate in Britain and then was
employed by British Telecom in its new telecommunications branch. In
1989, Ibrahim founded his own consultancy company, which he sold in 2000
for 618 million US dollars. In 1998, he founded Celtel, a pan-African
telecommunications company, which he sold five years later for 3.4
billion US dollars. Today, his activity is mainly philanthropic, through
his Mo Ibrahim Foundation. The foundation publishes an annual report on
governance in Africa (the Ibrahim Index of African Governance) and
recognizes outstanding heads of state and government with the Mo Ibrahim
Prize for Achievement in African Leadership. His daughter is active in
his foundation; his son is an actor.
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