Government Tasks Vote Holders On Budget Execution
By Godlove BAINKONG, Cameroon Tribune, 20-09-2013
National, regional, divisional and communal follow up committees have been created to ensure efficiency, celerity and transparency.
The Committees
Placed under the auspices of the
Minister in charge of public investment (Minister of the Economy,
Planning and Regional Development, MINEAPT) the committees incorporate
all and sundry along the public investment budget chain, giving specific
tasks to each vote holder. The administration, legislature and civil
society, will by the decree, work in synergy to right hitherto wrongs in
PIB execution and give its projects a satisfactory execution rate.
Their Responsibilities
All the committees are to inform the
population on the public investment projects in the localities for every
given fiscal year. They are also to ensure the respect of projects
contained in the project’s logbook by all vote holders, the respect of
public contracts award programme as well as ensure the physical
execution of programmed projects.
They are also to contribute to the
drafting of performance reports and prepare up-to-date statistics on the
execution of BIP for the evaluation of the performance of the State
budget. Appraising the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries of the
projects as well as improving on the information of the civil society on
the projects execution will not be the least of things to be done by
the committees.
Their Composition
The national follow up committee is
headed by the Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee of the
National Assembly assisted by a representative of the civil society. The
Director General for Economy, Planning and Regional Development at
MINEPAT will be the rapporteur.
There is also a technical sub-committee
headed by the Director General of Economy, Planning and Public
Investment at MINEPAT assisted by the Director General of Control of
Public Contracts in the Ministry of Public Contracts. Regional
committees will be headed by Members of Parliament. Meanwhile, at the
Divisional level, a Member of Parliament will head the committee while a
Mayor or his representative heads the technical communal committee.
Reports emanating from the national
committee on the physical and financial execution of the public
investment projects are sent to the Prime Minister, MINEPAT, Minister of
Public Contracts, Supreme State Audit and the National Anti-corruption
Committee. Regional committees will send their reports to the national
committee, divisional committees to the regional committees and communal
committees to divisional committees.
National technical committees meet once
every semestre while the national committee meets twice every year.
Regional committees meet twice a year while their technical committees
meet every quarter. Divisional committees and their technical committees
meet every quarter meanwhile the communal committees need to hold four
sessions per annum.
The decree specifies that
representatives of civil society organisations are people with
unquestionable integrity selected from respectable and recognised trade
unions. The work of the officials of the committees is gratis but their
transportation to and from sessions could be refunded.
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