What Korea’s industrialization success means for Africa
By Pierre Guislain, Vice-President, Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization, of the African Development Bank.

A popular prescription is that Africa should follow the path set by
East Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, which used
industrialization to lift themselves permanently out of poverty and onto
the track of economic transformation. But in today’s economic climate,
is the East Asian miracle still relevant for Africa?
Korea’s economic miracle
Let’s look at Korea. Its gross domestic product per capita grew from a
modest $900 in 1960 to over $25,000 in 2016. The country has also seen
an incredible rise in heavy industries such as tech giant Samsung, car
maker Hyundai and steel manufacturer POSCO, now among the world’s top
five in terms of steel output. Key to Korea’s success were flexible and
adaptable industrial and trade policies, backed by strong political
leadership and economic discipline. Through these policies, the state
participated directly and indirectly in basic economic activities and
coordinated private sector activities.
Essentials of African development: what experience from Korea?
Times have changed. Today, globalisation has opened the world market
to intense competition, making trade restrictions and protectionist
policies difficult to justify or sustain. Rwanda’s president Paul Kagame (link is external)
is of the view that Africa has missed its ‘Asian moment’ because the
continent ‘waited too long to act’. But perhaps what Africa really needs
is an ‘Africa moment’ – and that moment is now.
A first step will be to ensure effective implementation of the
African Continental Free Trade Area adopted in Kigali in March 2018: 44
African states have signed, 10 still have to do so (among them Nigeria
and South Africa), and all will need to ratify this agreement before it
can be implemented. The opportunity is real and critical for the success
of any large scale industrialization drive. Indeed, in today’s
hyperconnected and competitive global economy, investing in one of
Africa’s 54 mostly small and poor national markets is simply not
attractive. Effective regional integration and the removal of the
multiple legal and behavioral stumbling blocks that hold back
intra-African trade will be key to the successful implementation of most
countries’ industrial policy.
The collapse of industries in many African countries is partly
attributed to a toxic combination of trade and industrial policies that
promoted import-substitution with little focus on export expansion.
Korea’s outward orientation did not mean complete liberalization of
trade, but rather a cautious and gradual trade liberalization policy.
African countries must set clear targets for increased intra-African
trade and exposure to global competition. The efforts must focus on the
continent’s competitive advantages, particularly in value chains linked
to agriculture and mining and in fast growing domestic markets.
Opportunities abound for greater local value addition in agricultural
value chains. Agriculture’s share in employment was about 55% in
2010-2012, in contrast with its contribution to GDP of only 15%. There
is a window of opportunity for Africa to drive agro-industries, with the
potential of reducing the continent’s food import bill, which is
expected to increase from USD$39 billion in 2016 to over USD$110
billion by 2025 (link is external).
Blue Skies, an agricultural processing company based in Ghana, makes a
strong case here. With only about 35 workers in 1999, the Ghanaian-based
company is one of the largest suppliers of cut fresh fruit to European
markets, employing over 3,000 people, the majority being women. These
potentials exist, but need to be scaled up.
Successful industrial policies require strong economic governance and
governments that are able to initiate policies that are time-bound,
performance-driven and iterative in nature. Political leadership is also
needed to commit to investing in infrastructure and education, which
are preconditions for industrialization. Korea devoted itself to
building the physical and human capital infrastructure that served as
the basis for subsequent industrial development.
Indeed, Africa cannot industrialize without power, road, rail and
information and communication networks. Infrastructure is needed to
reduce production costs for downstream industries. Equally important is
political leadership that can mediate the government–firm relationship
to reduce the temptation of rent-seeking, which drains public finances
and dampens entrepreneurship.
The experience of Korea shows that there is no quick-fix, magic
formula for industrializing. But it also shows that it is possible for
any economy to turn its fortunes around with a dedicated and disciplined
government, good industrial policy, effective public-private dialogue
and real commitment to infrastructure investment.
This being said, the real value and relevance of the Korean
development experience for Africa should be sought in the methodology of
policy formulation and the development of supportive ecosystems, rather
than in specific policy measures.
African countries need to claim their seat at the table of global
economic production and pursue policies that will harness their vast
natural resources to spur local value addition in the production of
goods and services. This in turn will require more collaboration and
integration between African countries at regional and continental level
as well as more effective dialogue and partnership between governments
and the private sector.
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