8 Slow, Difficult Steps to Become a Millionaire
By Dharmesh Shah,Founder and CTO, HubSpot
Money of course isn't everything. Not by a long shot. Where your
definition of success is concerned, money may rank far down the list.
Everyone’s definition of “success” is different. Here's mine:
For me, money doesn't matter all that much, but I'll confess, it did
at one time (probably because I didn't have very much). So, let’s say
money is on your list. And let’s say, like millions of other people,
that you’d like to be a millionaire. What kinds of things should you do
to increase your chances of joining the millionaire's club?
Here are the steps I'd suggest. They're neither fast nor easy. But, they're more likely to work than the quick and easy path.
1. Stop obsessing about money.
While it sounds counterintuitive, maintaining a laser-like focus on
how much you make distracts you from doing the things that truly
contribute to building and growing wealth. So shift your perspective.
"See money not as the primary goal but as a by-product of doing the right things."
2. Start tracking how many people you help, even in a very small way.
The most successful people I know – both financially and in other
ways – are shockingly helpful. They’re incredibly good at understanding
other people and helping them achieve their goals. They know their
success is ultimately based on the success of the people around them.
So they work hard to make other people successful: their employees,
their customers, their vendors and suppliers… because they know, if they
can do that, then their own success will surely follow.
And they will have built a business – or a career – they can be truly proud of.
3. Stop thinking about making a million dollars and start thinking about serving a million people.
When you only have a few customers and your goal is to make a lot of
money, you’re incented to find ways to wring every last dollar out of
those customers.
But when you find a way to serve a million people, many other
benefits follow. The effect of word of mouth is greatly magnified. The
feedback you receive is exponentially greater – and so are your
opportunities to improve your products and services. You get to hire
more employees and benefit from their experience, their skills, and
their overall awesomeness.
And, in time, your business becomes something you never dreamed of –
because your customers and your employees have taken you to places you
couldn’t even imagine.
Serve a million people – and serve them incredibly well – and the money will follow.
4. See making money as a way to make more things.
Generally speaking there are two types of people.
One makes things because they want to make money; the more things
they make, the more money they make. What they make doesn’t really
matter that much to them – they’ll make anything as long as it pays.
The other wants to make money because it allows them to make more
things. They want to improve their product. They want to extend their
line. The want to create another book, another song, another movie. They
love what they make and they see making money as a way to do even more
of what they love. They dream of building a company that makes the best
things possible … and making money is the way to fuel that dream and
build that company they love.
While it is certainly possible to find that one product that everyone
wants and grow rich by selling that product, most successful businesses
evolve and grow and as they make money, reinvest that money in a
relentless pursuit of excellence.
"We don't make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies." ~Walt Disney
5. Do one thing better.
Pick one thing you're already better at than most people.Just. One.
Thing. Become maniacally focused at doing that one thing. Work. Train.
Learn. Practice. Evaluate. Refine. Be ruthlessly self-critical, not in a
masochistic way but to ensure you continue to work to improve every
aspect of that one thing.
Financially successful people do at least one thing better than just
about everyone around them. (Of course it helps if you pick something to
be great at that the world also values – and will pay for.)
Excellence is its own reward, but excellence also commands higher pay
– and greater respect, greater feelings of self-worth, greater
fulfillment, a greater sense of achievement… all of which make you rich
in non-monetary terms.
6. Make a list of the world’s ten best people at that one thing.
How did you pick those ten? How did you determine who was the “best”? How did you measure their “success”?
Use those criteria to track your own progress towards becoming the best.
If you're an author it could be Amazon rankings. If you’re a musician
it could be iTunes downloads. If you’re a programmer, it could be the
number of people that use your software. If you’re a leader it could be
the number of people you train and develop who move on to bigger and
better things. If you’re an online retailer it could be purchases per
visitor, or on-time shipping, or conversion rate…
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