Why You Need More of the Right Kind of Failures
At the risk of having you click over to another page, let me tell you something that I believe with all my heart: You are not failing enough.
Now, let's be clear what we are discussing here.
When I say
"failure" most people hear "Hidenberg" and want nothing to do with the
topic. (Quite frankly, I couldn't blame you. I wouldn't want to read
about that either.)
But that isn't what I mean at all. Huge failures--the ones that result from one roll of the dice--can be fatal to your business.
As a result of that kind of failure, you use up all--or virtually
all--of you resources--and you don't have enough left over to try again.
Obviously, you don't want to do that. And that is not what I am advocating.
No, when I am talking about failures I am talking about tiny ones, small setbacks.
So massive failures are not good. But small setbacks actually are.
Here's why. The best way to approach creating anything new is to take
small steps. Specifically, you want to take a small step toward a
goal, pause to see what you have learned from taking that small step,
and build that learning into your next step. (Then you take another
step, pause, and learn, etc.) It is a model we call: Act. Learn. Build.
As you take those small steps, sometimes you will get negative
feedback. It will, indeed, be a (small) setback. But that is actually a
good thing for two reasons.
1. You now know what not to do. ("Nobody likes it in fuchsia. So, we are not going to do it in fuchsia, again.")
2. In those interactions, you invariably get a hint of what your next
step should be. ("People keep asking about whether we could come up
with more shades of green. Hmmm.")
In other words, the setback is ultimately beneficial, and since you
have only used up a tiny amount of resources taking the misstep, you
have plenty left to take advantage of what you have learned.
And that's why small setbacks are good and (big) failures are bad.
Let's underscore one point
Now implicit in this, is that you have to be willing to make small
mistakes. And invariably I get pushback every time I say that. People
argue everything from if you are making mistakes it means you did not
spend enough time planning upfront, to "who has resources to waste on
I understand the comments. I just don't think they negate the argument.
Yes, of course, you can always spend more time planning. But if you
are planning, you are not in the marketplace and someone can easily
implement your great new idea while you are still thinking about it.>>>
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