Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, based in Switzerland,
has just launched the Social Entrepreneur of the Year Competition to
recognize outstanding social entrepreneurs around the globe.
At the time of application, the candidate organization but also the
individual(s) leading it, shall have already three years of operations
and have implemented an innovation that took the form of:
- A new product or service;
- A new production or distribution method;
- A new labour supply;
- The reformulation of an existing product for an underserved population and/or
- New organizational structures or funding models.
Selected winners will be included in the Schwab Foundation network of
social entrepreneurs. This includes access to a peer network of social
entrepreneurs, special benefits such as pro-bono consulting services and
scholarships to executive education courses at world-class institutions
such as Harvard Business School, Stanford University and INSEAD.
Additionally, winners will be invited to the regional meetings of the
World Economic Forum which are relevant to their work. Excellent finalists or winners under 40 will also be nominated to the
Young Global Leaders network of the World Economic Forum.
The deadline for applications is the 15th of July 2014.

Further information about the selection criteria is available
Source: INSME
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