6th Pan-African Competitiveness Forum Annual Conference 2014
“Enhancing Africa’s socio economic development through cluster based competitiveness as a catalyst for transformation, innovation, entrepreneurship, accelerated regional integration and intra-Africa trade.”
The Pan-African Competitiveness Forum
(PACF) was established in April 2008 in Addis Ababa with the support of
the African Union (AU) and the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency (Sida) in collaboration with The Competitiveness
Institute (TCI).
The establishment of the PACF was in response to the
concern to see Africa develop in a sustainable manner and achieve the
Millennium Development Goals within the foreseeable future, and get
integrated into the global economy. African countries should transform
their economies and move from merely being producers of raw materials to
exporters of value added products and services. The PACF’s vision of
Africa’s integration and effective competition on the global stage is
founded on innovation and cluster-based initiatives bringing government,
academia and enterprises into a triple helix partnership.
The Secretariat of PACF is currently
based in Dar Es Salaam with Prof. Burton Mwamila, Vice Chancellor of the
Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology as the
Chairman of the Executive Board, and Eng. Peter Chisawillo, the
President of the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture,
as the Secretary-cum-Treasurer. Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, the Deputy Vice
Chancellor for Administration at Makerere University, is the Chairman
of the Council of PACF. There are sub-regional representations and
national representations on the Executive Board and Council.
Promoting innovation and profitable
cluster activities is however a challenge which needs to be addressed
strategically. An important part of the strategy is to organize annual
continental conferences to bring together all the actors in the PACF’s
mission to deliberate on issues concerning cluster initiatives,
innovation, competitiveness and Africa’s economic development in
The Sixth Continental Conference is
dedicated to enhancing Africa’s social economic development through
innovation and cluster based competitiveness as a catalyst for
transformation, innovation, entrepreneurship and accelerating regional
integration and intra-Africa trade. The content of the three-day
Conference will be largely knowledge exchange, competence building and
experience sharing. The specific objectives include:
One day will be dedicated to providing
the participants firsthand experience with clusters in Tanzania and
another day will be for the Annual General Meeting of PACF.>>>
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