Compassion – A Cornerstone In Today’s Leadership
A few years ago, I wrote a piece based on a tweetchat I hosted looking at the importance of empathy in leadership.
Although I wrote it many years ago, it continues to be shared in
various social media channels, no doubt due to our increasing awareness
of the importance of empathy to leadership roles in today’s global
Of course, the interesting thing about empathy is
that it’s not that difficult for us to exhibit. Indeed, research from
the neuroscience field has demonstrated that we’re actually hard-wired
to empathize with those around us, thanks to a neural network called
mirror neurons.
And the clearest example we can see of our
hard-wired tendency for empathy comes from how we react to news of
natural disasters or atrocities committed by other humans. Even though
we may not be directly impacted by these events, it nonetheless causes a
deep emotional response. While our rational mind might view these
events as being not our concern, our empathy makes it so that we can’t
help but feel concern and care for those we don’t even know.
if we’re hard-wired to empathize and consequently, to exhibit compassion
to those around us, how come we don’t see evidence of this behaviour in
the workplace? Why are so many workplaces suffering from a lack of
human compassion, connection, and shared belonging? And perhaps more
importantly in light of the increasing
demands for our time, attention and resources, why is addressing this
critical to our ability to lead our organizations towards a more
prosperous, stable, and thriving future?
In order to answer these
questions, we need to recognize another trait that we are all hard-wired
to exhibit – curiosity. Right from the moment that we’re born, we have
this innate drive to learn and understand the world around us. We strive to understand not only how things work, but the relationships we have with those around us, and what makes them stronger and more valuable.
this curiosity that builds on our innate nature to empathize that
creates this sense of compassion for those around us because we’re
driven to learn and understand what matters to them and why.
as we grow older, we lose touch with that internal sense of wonder and
fascination because we convince ourselves that our education and life
experiences have provided us with the knowledge we need to know and
understand the world around us. Consequently, we’re no longer interested
in discovering how others experience our world, or in the case of those
in leadership positions, how those we lead experience our leadership.
from this vantage point, we can now appreciate that to show our
employees that we care about the realities they face in our organization
– of the challenges and opportunities they see going unaddressed –
requires that we rekindle our sense of curiosity about ourselves and those we lead, and tying this to our sense of empathy so that we’re now driven to do something about it.
In other words, our
compassion arises from our curiosity to listen and learn, paired with
our innate drive to relate to the realities of those around us.
is why compassion is vital in today’s leadership because it’s the key
to the internal driving force found within each us to understand what
motivates our employees, what matters to them, and how we can connect
the work they do to the shared purpose that defines why we do what we
do. No doubt this is why studies have shown that compassion in the workplace
leads to not only higher levels of employee engagement and job
satisfaction, but lower levels of employee absenteeism and burnout.
if compassion is a cornerstone to effective leadership in today’s
faster-paced, 24/7 global environment, how can we go about building and
strengthening our innate ability to not only empathize, but to be
curious about those we lead, and what motivates them to bring their best
selves to work?
To help start with this process, here are 3
measures you can employ that will help you to reconnect with your innate
sense of curiosity and empathy in order to bring more compassion to
your leadership.
1. Learn to see your employees beyond the roles they play in your organization
One of the realities all leaders are grappling with is how to better manage their focus and attention given the increasing demands on their time, energy, and resources. In the face of this seemingly non-stop barrage, it’s rather easy – and understandable – for leaders to simply focus their efforts on what they want to accomplish.
One of the realities all leaders are grappling with is how to better manage their focus and attention given the increasing demands on their time, energy, and resources. In the face of this seemingly non-stop barrage, it’s rather easy – and understandable – for leaders to simply focus their efforts on what they want to accomplish.
Of course,
the problem with this approach is that while you may feel like you’re
getting things done, it will also leave your employees feeling like more
of a means to an end.
This is where exhibiting compassion through our leadership becomes critical because it allows for us to remain curious about what challenges our employees face,
along with the willingness to listen to what opportunities they see for
our organization to succeed. In this way, we can ensure that our
employees are not treated as mere cogs in the organizational wheel, but
as full participants in our shared purpose.
2. Make efforts to discover what your employees’ real strengths are
When it comes to promoting the growth and agility of our organization, one obvious approach is to build on the existing strengths of our employees.
When it comes to promoting the growth and agility of our organization, one obvious approach is to build on the existing strengths of our employees.
Unfortunately, in our haste to align our employees’
efforts with our organization’s long-term needs, it’s easy to view
employee strengths as what they’re good at, as opposed to what
internally drives them to challenge themselves to learn and grow.
Here again we can find the value of bringing compassion to our leadership as it can help us to identify what our employees’ real strengths are
by seeking to better understand and know those we lead – of what serves
as the fuel for their internal motivation to not only aim for better,
but to learn and grow.
By increasing our awareness of where our
employees not only excel, but thrive through the work they do, we can
better identify opportunities to not only help them become stronger
contributors to our organization, but to helping them feel like what
they do matters.
3. Be open about not having all the answers
In light of today’s faster paced environment, it’s easy for us to simply focus on what we know about a particular situation to guide or inform the decisions we make for our organization. And yet, if we walk around thinking we have the experience and knowledge to know what needs to be done, how can we truly listen and understand the realities our employees face, not to mention what it’s really like to work for us? >>>
In light of today’s faster paced environment, it’s easy for us to simply focus on what we know about a particular situation to guide or inform the decisions we make for our organization. And yet, if we walk around thinking we have the experience and knowledge to know what needs to be done, how can we truly listen and understand the realities our employees face, not to mention what it’s really like to work for us? >>>
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