5 Steps To Turning Around A Faltering Business
Gabriel Bristol, fastcompany.com
If your business is failing, act fast and keep an open mind.
If your business is failing, act fast and keep an open mind.
While there may not be any one single reason companies struggle, over
the years I have developed a five-step formula that has proven
successful for turning around a variety of faltering businesses across a
variety of industries.
1. Have An Open Mind
Be sure to approach the company with an open mind. When you are first
introduced to a business that is experiencing challenges almost every
founder, manager, and employee will share their opinions on why it’s in
decline and furthermore they will purport to also have the solutions. It
may be valuable to listen to a few of these opinions but you must
remember that these opinions are most often limited in scope and shared
through the lens of job or ego preservation. Analyze the facts and draw
your own conclusions.
2. Protect The Assets
Focus on a company’s most important asset: its people. A company’s
employees will not only show you how a company is run and introduce you
to its resources, but they will also open a window into its past
(especially employees with significant tenure). Most importantly, they
will give you a sense of what the culture is--not what the executive
team or the mission statement says it is, but what it actually is. This
knowledge of where the company has been and how it runs will help you
create a plan to go forward. Once you have that plan, the success of the
recovery will largely depend on the performance of these assets.
3. Move With Haste
Do not be afraid to act quickly. As you are analyzing a business and
developing your strategy to save it you will instinctively know the
difference between a change that strategically needs to wait and a
change that needed to happen yesterday.
I once took over a company that had a diversified product offering but had built its business primarily on one particular “flagship” product. When competitors began taking market share, the company grew afraid to raise the price of this product even though eventually it wound up selling it for 12% less than it cost to manufacture. That had to change and it had to change immediately.
I once took over a company that had a diversified product offering but had built its business primarily on one particular “flagship” product. When competitors began taking market share, the company grew afraid to raise the price of this product even though eventually it wound up selling it for 12% less than it cost to manufacture. That had to change and it had to change immediately.
4. Be Transparent
During the entire turnaround process you will need to be transparent
at all times. You will also need to ensure the management staff is as
well. This does not mean you relay worst-case scenarios, but you should
be realistic about the potential pitfalls, time frame of a
reorganization, and the upside when the strategy has worked. If you
aren’t transparent or somehow obfuscate, employees will quickly pick up
on the mixed messages and perceive it as manipulation and dishonesty.
You also run the risk of having key employees jump ship when you need
them the most.
5. Share The Vision
Finally, once you have quickly and expertly analyzed the internal and
external challenges to the business, executed some short-term
strategies to stem the bleeding, and then finalized the mid- to
long-term strategies, it is time to share the vision and deftly execute
upon it. At this stage it is important to ensure the entire team
understands and buys in. Be sure to document any new policies and
procedures in case there are any questions later or employees are
tempted to revert back to their earlier methods they find easier or more
comfortable. >>>
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