To Excel You Must Learn These 6 Crucial Lessons That School Can Never Teach
By Peter Voogd,
1. A powerful “why.” Realize that no matter where
you are right now, you can always take it up a notch. Are you really
giving your all daily? Your possibilities are endless when you
find compelling reasons. The goal is to create a "why'' so strong that
it pulls you through any challenge, past all doubters and over even your
own limitations. We’re in an economy that now welcomes the
entrepreneur. It’s become easier to realize your ideal future. It just
takes compelling reasons, clear intentions and the right guidance.
2. Focus on strengths, delegate weaknesses. Anybody
who tells you to focus on your weaknesses hasn’t experienced consistent
peak performance. The idols you and I respect, along with all well-known
achievers, prospered by deliberately focusing on their strengths. If
you’re not sure what your strengths are, start asking people around you.
Your strengths are where you get results and maybe isn’t always what
you love. The goal is the be so good at your strengths that it propels
you to stand out. Everybody loves doing what they're good at, and your
creativity will flourish if you love what you do. Focusing on too many
things causes you to be average in many versus exceptional in a few.
3. Habits always trump inspiration. Inspiration is
needed to create consistent action, but your habits are ultimately going
to define your success or failure. It’s been said that only 5 percent
of the people at seminars and conferences actually use what they’ve
learned. Why is that? Because inspiration is very short term. It feels
good in the moment but doesn’t last past the activity producing it.
In our Game Changers Academy we focus on shifting habits, gaining
better perspective and interrupting bad thought patterns instead of just
inspiration. The biggest inspiration of all is seeing progress and
results, which comes from new habits. When you begin the formation of a
new habit, stick to it and see the lasting change in your new-found
4. Mastery vs. information overload. Mastery is the
highest form of accomplishment. The only way to become successful is to
master the fundamentals and skills needed to reach your goals and
dreams. We have so much information available to us, it’s easy to become
overwhelmed. When overwhelmed, we seek distractions.
Instead of reading 50 books this year, master and implement three.
The immature learner wants to get as much information as they can as
fast as they can, but you’ll find them broke, stressed and lacking real
progress. The mature mind is very deliberate with what they study. The
achievers focus on listening to something until they’ve adopted it into
their daily agenda, and seen their results improve. Jim Collins says it
perfectly, “If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have
Make the list of what must you start saying no to.
5. The real education. Jim Rohn said “if you work
hard on your job you can make a living, but if you work on yourself you
can make a fortune.” Entrepreneurs understand, at a level most don’t,
that Rohn wasn’t kidding. Investing in yourself is at the top of the
list of ways to solidify an exceptional future, for nations as well as
individuals. Apple said it bluntly "We shouldn't be criticized for using
Chinese workers, the U.S. has stopped producing people with the skills
we need."
Ouch! When I say develop yourself, grow and improve your skills, I
don’t mean school. Weird, but true, school sometimes distracts you from
the things that actually matter in advancing your career and life.
Warren Buffett said, “The best education you can get is investing in
yourself, and that doesn’t mean college or university.”
6. Create something meaningful. Few companies
nowadays have a compelling story or vision. The companies that are
attracting top-tier talent -- Google, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Zappos
-- have a mission bigger than themselves.
I challenge you to start a movement. What can you create that helps
other people? I will tell you from experience, life becomes much more
fulfilling when you become involved in a movement or a cause greater
than yourself. A meaningful mission isn’t optional anymore. Movements
are thriving while well-put-together plans are failing left and right.
As long as you have strong enough reasons, there has never been a
better time in the history of our economy to create your ideal life.
Understand that the only person you should try to be better than is the
person you were yesterday. Get clear on exactly what you want this year.
Figure out the type of person you need be on an everyday basis to reach
the goals you've set for yourself. Do everything you can to find a
community of like-minded people to encourage you along the way. They are
the ones who won't let you give up during the toughest of times.
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