How to Determine What You Should Charge Customers
By Dorie Clark,
1. What’s the going rate?
You may end up wanting to charge significantly more, or less, than
others in your field. But in order to make that decision, you should at
least be aware of what’s going on out there. Start with online research
to see if packages and fees are listed on competitors’ websites. You can
also reach out to friends and colleagues who may have employed similar
vendors in the past; they’ll likely be willing to share their
experiences and how much they paid. And sometimes the best information
comes from the horse’s mouth: many people in your field will be warm and
collaborative if you ask for their help. Often, they’ll freely reveal
what they charge and how they structure their pricing.
2. Who’s your audience?
Let’s face it: Unless you’re catering to celebrities and CEOs (which
is great work if you can get it), it’s unlikely you can get many people
to pay you $1,000 per hour for health coaching. Think through how much
your target audience can afford to pay and how critical they’re likely
to view your service as being. (They’re more likely to pay top dollar
for a divorce attorney than they are for a knitting instructor.)
3. What value are you providing?
It’s not easy at first but try to quantify the value that your work
is providing to your customer. If you’re helping them improve their
sales processes and that nets them an extra million dollars per year in
revenue, a $100,000 contract seems downright modest. You can also
measure cost savings (perhaps you’re helping them retain high-level
employees who would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars to
replace), and the number of people impacted (which is why you can charge
far more for an hour-long speech than you can for an hour of coaching).
Alan Weiss provides additional information about how to identify the
real value of your work in his book Value-Based Fees.
4. How do you compare to others in your field?
You shouldn’t let your credentials control your pricing, but it’s
worth keeping in mind. If you’re just starting out and have far less
experience than others in your field, you may want to charge at the
lower end of the spectrum, so you have a better chance of winning
clients and gaining the real-world practice you need. On the other hand,
if your credentials are impeccable -- this could include premier
university degrees, experience working for blue-chip companies, a
reputation as a thought leader in your field or a powerful network and
connections -- you may want to charge significantly higher rates to
signal your premium status to the marketplace.
5. How can you create predictable revenue streams?
Here, the question centers around “how” to charge rather than “how
much.” In general, it’s best to avoid using hourly rates (another of
Weiss’ mantras).>>>
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