Canada: Why you should teach kids to be entrepreneurial thinkers
By AKELA PEOPLE,Contributed to The Globe and Mail
That doesn’t mean there isn’t value in
teaching youth to think like entrepreneurs. Educating future generations
of contributing citizens to be entrepreneurial thinkers is crucial to
Canada’s economy.
At The Learning Partnership,
I interact with top Canadian and international business leaders daily
through CEO roundtables, business-education task forces and summits that
reveal great insight on today’s changing labour market.
What I
keep hearing from CEOs, HR departments, the business community and the
work force in general is that employers value entrepreneurial thinking.
Fresh thoughts, innovative ideas, the ability to ponder laterally and to
synthesize information in unique ways – all of these lead to
interesting solutions that help a business evolve, grow and remain
competitive, especially on the global stage. This is true whether the
“entrepreneur” is self-employed or works for someone else.
So entrepreneurial education is good for business and for the economy, but it’s also good for the individual.
How so? First, consider the 14 per cent youth unemployment rate in Canada.
young people have their own unique circumstances, but many do not get
exposure to entrepreneurship because it isn’t usually a standalone
school subject such as math or science. If given the opportunity to
learn about entrepreneurship early in their school journey, they might
discover a career field they didn’t know exists.
Students are
struggling to find their way from education to employment. The paths are
more complex and they don’t have a lot of useful tools to help guide
them. Early exposure to entrepreneurial education can help develop
skills and attitudes that could enable them to approach their lives and
careers with broader strokes and to consider more possibilities and
opportunities, including the option of starting their own businesses.
entrepreneurship teaches essential life skills, including
resourcefulness, communication, financial literacy and managing risk –
all of which will help students grow personally and professionally. I
was not surprised to hear from a teacher running our Entrepreneurial Adventure program that the experience helped her class with algebra because the concepts suddenly had real-life applications.
is about much more than business. It is a way of thinking, of seeing
opportunities and of exploring multiple solutions to a problem – skills
that can be applied to life.
Third, young people who are just
starting out in the work force have to be entrepreneurial to build and
manage their own careers.
People change jobs a number of times –
and they even change careers over their lifetimes. So just as
entrepreneurs think about the next evolution of their businesses, young
people should think the same way about their career paths and how their
evolving skill-sets can take them to the next level.
Last year, it
may have been about improving presentation skills. This year, it could
be about taking a financial course because budgeting is a big component
of that next job or job level. By applying entrepreneurial thinking,
young people can take ownership of their futures, understanding that
accomplishment takes hard work, that not every attempt will succeed and
that they need to continually learn, plan, try, fail, try again … and
again until they get that first job or accomplish that next career goal.
are determined, confident, creative, self-motivated, innovative,
curious and visionary. If we can teach all of our kids to think that
way, we all stand to gain.
Akela Peoples is president and CEO of The Learning Partnership,
a national charitable organization that supports, promotes and advances
publicly funded education. She is a former educator and holds multiple
awards for service, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
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