How to leave your day job and start your dream business
We are a nation of aspiring entrepreneurs, but when it comes to it,
we’re just too scared to take the plunge. That was the conclusion of a
new report by SME website building firm Moonfruit, in which more than
half (56%)
of British workers confessed that a fear of failure stopped them from turning a potentially game-changing idea into a real business.
of British workers confessed that a fear of failure stopped them from turning a potentially game-changing idea into a real business.
However, there are plenty who have put their fears aside to follow
their dream. In January 2012, Anna France gave up her job as a postwoman
to start her own dog walking and boarding business, Best Paw Forward. A few months later, her husband, Dave, left his Royal Mail management role to join her.
Anna says: “I’d done my job for 20 years and realised I wasn’t
enjoying it any more. I wanted to try something different, and the
clincher for me was when a lady who I delivered post to started her own
dog-walking business. I occasionally helped out in my spare time, and I
loved it.”
Although they had a financial cushion, thanks to their redundancy
packages, the Frances knew that the success of their business rested on
good market research and having the right location, which in their case
was Heaton, a fairly affluent suburb of Bolton, Lancashire.
Dave France says: “There was no one in the area offering anything
similar; a very personal service where we looked after dogs in our own
home. We knew a lot of dog-owners in the area, so we started approaching
them direct to ask if they would use Best Paw Forward. More and more
dog owners are now choosing home-based pet care over kennels.”
Getting the first few customers on board was their biggest challenge,
but as their name spread around the local network of dog owners,
boosted by their use of social media – Facebook, in particular - the
business grew quickly.
“We have dogs in the house seven days a week, so it is quite tying,
but we love it, and have no regrets about giving up our jobs to start
our own business,” says Anna.
Family illness and bereavement, plus a pressing need for a lifestyle
change, prompted Mark and Karen Owen to give up stressful nine to five
jobs in the IT and telecoms industries, respectively. They moved to
Wales to set up their hand-crafted chocolate business, Wickedly Welsh.
After launching in April, the company, which is based in Haverfordwest,
Pembrokeshire, has just registered its 20,000th customer.
Although neither had any startup experience, Karen had worked as a
chocolatier for four years, while Mark had spent three years in
production and manufacturing early in his career.
He says: “We felt we had the relevant, transferable skills to take
the plunge, and we did a huge amount of research, so we had faith in the
tourist industry in south west Wales, as well as the chocolate factory
Their biggest challenge was timing: they wanted to open a fully
functional chocolate factory, café, and shop by Easter 2014, but at the
outset had no premises, machinery, staff, brand, recipes, or packaging.
They rallied support from local councils, the Welsh Government, business
support organisations, and Pembrokeshire Tourism.>>>
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