10 Wise Observations From Derek Jeter to Inspire Entrepreneurs
By Jonathan Long, entrepreneur.com
1. "My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.'' Love
what you do. Derek Jeter loves
the game of baseball. He took something
that he absolutely loved and turned it into one of the most decorated
careers. You can’t go into something half-heartedly and expect to be
successful -- it just doesn’t work that way.
2. "There may be people who have more talent than you, but
there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do – and I believe
that.'' There are no shortcuts to success. Derek Jeter was one
of the best players to never be linked with performance enhancing drugs
in an era that was rampant with steroid use. He was willing to work
harder than anyone in order to make it.
3. "When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that's a really good feeling.'' Do
your job and do it well. You don’t have a 20-year MLB career with the
New York Yankees if you don’t perform well and to the highest standards.
In a high-pressure environment, Jeter thrived and won the admiration
and respect of NY fans and baseball fans in general. If you want to be
successful you have to perform to the highest standards.
4. "Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests.'' You
need a good team around you. Never a selfish player, Derek Jeter always
put his team first. He became the eleventh Yankee captain in team
history, an honor that was given to him because of his leadership
qualities. Building a successful business, just like winning a World
Series Championship, requires a team effort.
5. "When I was younger, I was always taught not to make excuses.'' Don’t put the blame on others for your failure. A
very small percentage of players advance through the minor leagues and
make it to “the show,” and only a very small percentage has a 20-year
big league career. Derek never made excuses, he just put his head down
and made it happen. Nobody is going to do the work for you and if you
fail there is only one person to blame -- yourself. As entrepreneurs we
control our destiny and have to take full responsibility if something
goes wrong.
6. "If you're going to win games, you're going to have to come up with the big hits. That's the bottom line.'' Be
clutch when needed. Derek Jeter didn’t earn the nickname “Captain
Clutch” for nothing. He would rise to the occasion time after time
throughout his career, delivering clutch hits and making clutch
defensive plays to win ball games. Some moments and opportunities in
your entrepreneurial journey will only come once -- clutch plays are not
exclusive to the baseball diamond.
7. "Your image isn't your character. Character is what you are as a person.'' Don’t
show off or brag. During Derek’s 20-year career he managed to stay
pretty low key in the largest media market, New York City. He wasn’t
craving attention and he wasn’t showing off. There were no MTV cribs
appearances and he never gave out the ‘I am better than you’ vibe. Stay
humble and let your accomplishments speak for themselves.
8. "Don't get me wrong; it's not like I didn't go out and
have fun. But there's been a lot of players that come to New York and
get caught up in the lifestyle, and before you know it, they're sent
away to another team because it affected their performance.'' Stay
focused. The list of awards and honors that Derek Jeter accumulated
during his career is nothing short of amazing. He was a 14-time American
League All Star, won five American League Gold Glove and five Silver
Slugger Awards, was the American League Rookie of the Year, was named
both the World Series and All Star MVP in 2000, and won five World
Series championships. None of this was accomplished by luck or doing
anything half-assed. To reach your goals you have to remain 100
percent focused.
9. "You have to have a moral compass…an obligation to do the right thing.'' Give back. The Turn 2 Foundation
was established by Jeter in 1996, his rookie season, and focuses on
promoting healthy lifestyles among youth. Its mission is to see children
grow safely and successfully into adulthood, becoming the leaders of
tomorrow. Giving back doesn’t necessarily mean simply donating money.
For example, my company allocates a yearly budget to help nonprofit organizations with their online marketing on a pro bono basis.
10. "I want to own a team one day. You know, that's my next goal.'' Know when it is time to move on.>>>
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