Development of Cities:Africa To Harness Potentials
By Victorine BIY NFOR, Cameroon Tribune
The Abuja Declaration that sanctioned
three days of brainstorming stressed the need to harness the potentials
of urbanisation as a means of speeding inclusive and sustainable growth.
The Conference listed the emerging challenge of forced urbanization due
to, among others, conflicts, terrorism and natural disasters, forcing
populations to move en masse from rural areas to urban centres and vice
versa, and across borders, stretching existing infrastructure resulting
in increased insecurity and poverty which need to be addressed in a
comprehensive manner.
In the Declaration, delegates pledged
to, "Harness the potential of urbanisation to accelerate structural
transformation for inclusive and sustainable growth through allocating
adequate financial resources to promote sustainable urbanisation and
human settlements development to drive structural transformation for the
benefit of all citizens."
This includes promotion of land titling
and registration, resource generation through land base revenue and land
value capture; inclusive economic growth that translates to full
employment and decent jobs as well as improved living standards for all;
enhancing connectivity between rural and urban areas to harness the
full potential of the urban-rural linkages; strengthening linkages
between urbanisation and structural change policies, including
accelerated industrialisation and agricultural modernisation strategies
for high productivity and value addition.
The Habitat III Abuja Declaration urged
participants to live up to the recommendations as they brace up for the
third meeting of Habitat III preparatory committee to hold in Surabaya
Indonesia in July, 2016.
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