Thought leadership: Africa’s very future depends on STEM education
STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics. In the last two years in Africa it has been used gloomily
by a few organisations as part of their ICT programmes, either as their
way of investment in education, or as a way of promoting technology and
However, STEM must not be just a jargon used to make any company look
trendy in fancy reports,
or concealing their failure in helping the
future workforce without clear and tangible plans.
Each year, the United States invests billions in STEM education and
workforce development. They know that over 70% of their domestic and
international jobs will require core STEM skills.
But the African continent hasn’t got a robust strategic plan on STEM
policies, or even a clear road map or framework of implementing them
effectively. It is not even clear if some national leaders understand
their importance or meaning.
Consider, for a second, the exploitation of Africa’s natural resources such as the bauxite in Guinea and Ghana.
If the governments had a clear strategy on STEM policies, more
cartographers could be drawing maps locally rather than outsourcing it
in Europe.
If we had many well-trained engineers, they could operate machines
and build railroads and motorways. If we invested in R&D with our
own scientists, we will able to prevent disease outbreaks like Ebola. If
we invested in our tech entrepreneurs and innovators we would be able to resolve local problems with local solutions.
But instead China and the US are doing this for Africa with a hidden
price. If we invested in our economists, we would be able to prevent the
speculative data that embarrassed Africa and Nigeria in particular.
This infrastructure building failure is actually destroying the
ability for African governments to invest in STEM for the future. We
surely want to have smooth roads in Lagos, Lusaka or Maputo, but if we
do not insist that our people be given solid STEM skills, surely we will
be losing out as a continent.
Currently in Africa, most STEM work is performed by, or outsourced to, multinationals from China, India and the US.
Africa will need a new generation of accountants, auditors, creators,
makers, designers, mathematics and science teachers, engineers and so
on. All these jobs require a minimum of skills in STEM. Who is thinking
of this now in Africa? Who is taking this seriously?
African governments are signing infrastructure
contracts with the west but hardly demanding their future workforce be
trained in something I find so crucial for its development.
Thousands of Americans and Chinese are working annually in Africa in
high-skilled STEM jobs that are reducing African ingenuity. Then people
complain about a lack of jobs for youth.
The term STEM is not yet widely understood in Africa. Its
implementation within the education systems is catastrophically poor
despite the fact many ICT ministers collect millions for programmes related to these subjects.
You just need to spend time in the corridors of the Ministries of
Education and ICT in Africa to realise that the word STEM is simply a
laxative jargon that allows them to fundraise and make themselves look
like they are part of the conversation.
In fact we are nowhere near what needs to be done for our youth – and
they are the future of Africa. Companies are already struggling to find
skilled employees with STEM knowledge. Over the next decade, African
employers could expect to have many thousands of job openings requiring
basic STEM literacy, and many more people will need advanced STEM
For years I have been advocating for good education policies in
Africa and the real implementation of STEM subjects into our education
system, and nothing has been done. Today, Rwanda and South Africa are the only countries that have even been looking at this subject.
Africa is crying out for skilled young people in every single
country. The mismatch between their current skills and what companies
need is getting wider. Youth unemployment is extremely high despite so
much money disappearing through back doors every year.
Millions of young people could find jobs if our STEM policies were
given priority. Trained STEM graduates are great contributors to the
African economy. Why can’t governments understand this? While Africa
makes up 15% of the world population, its research and development
capacity is untapped.
Governments could do so much by looking into their education policies
and making STEM subjects their number one priority. This will also
hugely improve Africa’s position in the globally competitive knowledge
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