6 Secrets to Being More Productive Each Day
By Aaron Goodin, entrepreneur.com
When I plunged into
the startup scene four years ago,
I brought an extremely strong work
ethic and a lot of audacity to the CEO role, but I lacked the necessary
experience and discipline to be highly productive. Today, while I’m
nowhere near perfect, I have learned a few tricks that can help new
entrepreneurs get the most out of their workday:
1.Write down your goals -- both big and small.
seems simple, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook the
importance of writing down their goals. Using a journal to organize
everything makes it easy to look back and see where you’ve been, what
milestones have been hit and what’s still ahead. And don’t forget that
while the big milestones are important, short-term goals are equally as
significant. The small goals not only provide valuable chances to learn
and grow, but they are perfect practice for helping to accomplishing
the larger ones. Remember that as your business grows so will your
goals, so be sure to revise, readjust and rewrite often.
2.Leverage technology.
be the first to admit it: I’m a sucker for any tech tool that claims to
simplify my life, whether it’s for personal development or professional
expansion. While I wouldn’t recommend using every single app that you
come across, there are definitely a few that make sense for
Regain precious hours and keep employees on track with tools like Dropbox and Google Docs allowing team members immediate access to shared and organized documents. For teams collaborating on multiple to-do lists Trello
makes project management a breeze through real-time boards designed for
simultaneous task completion. Even getting in touch with one another is
easier through the use of products like HipChat and Skype.
3.Delegate tasks.
you’re anything like me you’re going to what to have a finger in
everything, from business development to customer service (it is your
baby after all). However, doing it all makes it very difficult to
accomplish your actual responsibilities. You’ve spent time building the perfect team
so make sure you are using them. Delegate responsibilities and trust
that your team is going to get things done. Don’t micromanage.
4.Take breaks.
may seem like working non-stop throughout the day is the best way to
grow your business, however it can actually be counterproductive.
Research shows that taking short breaks at regular intervals throughout
the day not only keeps you healthier, but it also helps you refocus on
the job at hand. Take the office dog for a quick walk, do some mindful
yoga or go on a lunchtime run. Whatever it is that helps you recharge,
fit it into your daily schedule.
5. Acknowledge success.
of the easiest ways to lose productivity is when you’re feeling like
your hard work is going unnoticed –--even as the leader of the team.
When a goal is met or someone has put in extra time to close a
high-level deal, take the time to celebrate. It doesn’t have to be
cupcakes and balloons every time, but finding a special way to
acknowledge the milestones will keep everyone motivated and excited to
hit the next one.
6.Plan your day the previous evening.
you plan your day in the morning you’re too late. This is probably the
most important thing I’ve learned on my journey. At the end of each day
sit down and take a moment to reflect. Did you meet your daily goal?
Are you on track for the week? What changes can you make? Reflecting at
the end of the day allows you to see what needs to be accomplished
tomorrow. When you make those plans in advance you can hit the ground
running, instead of spending your morning trying to figure out what
needs to be done.
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