Invitation to join the Entrepreneurship Competition 2017 - an activity of the UNESCO Global Action Programme on ESD
By Johanna, Vjollca, Patrick and Christian and the whole Entrepreneurship Campus Team

We are happy to launch today on March 15th our 2017 Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship
Competition edition.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is an "activity of the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)."
You want to change the world for the better!
You are interested in contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!
You are between 15 and 35 years old and have a creative idea and/or
innovative project!
You would like to take a free online course in entrepreneurship education!
You are eager to get in touch with innovative people around the world!
Join this global online youth competition!
Click here to submit an idea!
Click here to submit an already ongoing project!
Click here to take free online courses in entrepreneurial design and education!
If you haven´t done already, register today at the Entrepreneurship Campus, meet like-minded people, make new friends, and be part of this global innovative online community!
Our global creative online platform empowers young entrepreneurs (age 15-35) from around the world to engage in a more peaceful and sustainable world. All participants are invited to submit their innovative ideas and projects with a societal impact, which champion and implement one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We are looking forward to your innovative ideas and projects!
And if you know friends who have an innovative idea or/and existing project with a societal impact, do send them this email. Thank you!
Be the change you want to see on our beautiful planet Earth!
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