Digital Economy : Over 100 Projects Identified
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications knows what
Cameroon will look
like by 2020 with the implementation of the National
Strategy Plan for Digital Economy. Government wants to revolutionalize the
telecoms sector and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and other
ministries are determined to transform the vision into reality. The latest
update on the project is the drawing up of a National Strategy Plan, which
according to experts, hinges on over 100 aspects and evaluated at over FCFA 600
billion. The plan was proposed in May this year and later endorsed by
government, it was revealed.
The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Minette Libom
Li Likeng, assembled officials of central and devolved services of his ministry
on Friday August 26, 2016 to issue guidelines on the effective implementation
of the plan. The Minister stressed that government is committed to improving
telecoms services and this must be taken seriously by public and private
operators. The National Strategy Plan to fully develop the digital economy in
Cameroon can only work if appropriate infrastructure is put in place, she
stressed. “It is time to upgrade our equipment and offer better and innovative
services to Cameroonians. It is therefore imperative to be results-oriented in
all modernization projects,” she told aides.
Issues like adequate training for actors, content, respecting
norms, the law and regulatory frameworks, as well as terms of references by
all, especially operators and regularly controlling telecoms infrastructure,
are priority, the Inspector General in charge of Technical Matters, Pierre
Kaptue explained. He said estimates for the plan were put at FCFA 600 billion,
though studies were underway for the exact cost and implementation strategies.
Responding to worries from regional delegates on some of the
challenges facing their daily activities like the dysfunctional telecentres,
the Minister announced a forensic audit as part of efforts to cleanse the
sector. The Minister invited all staff to remain diligent, committed and
result-based. Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital
computing technologies. It is equally called internet economy.
By Victorine BIY NFOR, Cameroon Tribune
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