4 Ways to Earn Trust From Prospects and Customers
By KAREN MISHRA, entrepreneur.com

Gaining their trust will be hard to do at first, as they won’t have
much to go on. However, it is possible to show your customers that they
can count on you to perform by simply proving to them them that
you are reliable.
Answer your phone
during the hours you say you will. Be open when you
say you will. Get back to a new customer when you say you will. All
of these things are simple yet critical ways of showing your customers
that they can count on you.
These may seem simple, but too many companies - large and small
-- don’t seem to care about how they treat customers before they are
ever customers. Here are a few ways to show your customers you care.
1. Never leave
your customers hanging.
I am considering trading in an old car for a new one. Here in
North Carolina, the summers are hot. If you see someone walking on your car lot
in the middle of the day, chances are that they are a serious
customer. However, when we walked on a lot the other day, it
was nearly 30 minutes before anyone walked out of the air conditioned
showroom to ask if they could help us. I left. But then I decided to
give them the benefit of the doubt (it was a 90-degree day) and tried to
get an online quote. It took more than 12 hours to get a
response. When I finally did, I told them it was too late. We made
other plans.
Don’t let a prospect leave without talking to them. Acknowledge them,
and make them feel welcome. They may not buy something today, but they
will surely be back another time if they feel you made an effort.
2. Always follow up
when you say you will.
My insurance company knew that I wanted to make a change to my insurance
policy on June 19 because I had discussed it weeks prior. If they
wanted to be really proactive, an agent would have called me on that date and
told me that the change was in the works. Instead, I had to call them several
days later to remind them about this change. When I finally got
a hold of them, the insurance company said that they remembered, and they were
planning to handle it. I can’t read their minds. I don’t know what
the company is planning; and so, it felt like they had forgotten about us.
Write yourself a note on your calendar to follow up on a specific date with
your customer, and call them first. Let them know that you remembered and
already have the change in motion. They will appreciate that you
cared enough to update them.
3. Don't hesitate to
apologize when a problem occurs.
I recently stayed at a new hotel in Ocean City. As I was checking
out, I politely informed the front desk about a few things that they might want
to fix before the next guest checks in.
Even though we had a stained towel, a leaky shower curtain and a broken
bathroom fan, I was very calm and asked if I could speak with the
manager. The front desk clerk said he would share it with her and that I
could call her later when she got to work.
When I did call her, she said that she never got my message. Her
response was perfect. First, she said, “If I had heard these things had
happened to you, I would have already called you to apologize.” Then, she
refunded my entire two-night stay without even asking. All that she asked
in return is that we give her another opportunity to deliver in the
4. Help with a smile.
My favorite eyewear place North Carloina, Specs, is always happy to see
me, even if I just need my glasses re-adjusted. I don’t have to
worry about buying a new pair of glasses every year or spending a lot of money
when I walk through the door. Every employee has a positive,
helpful attitude.
This makes it easy for me to return to this independent eyewear store, and
spend extra money to get glasses that I know will look great and fit properly.
I trust them to look out for our best interests, whether I'm spending a
small amount on eye glass cleaner or a lot on a new set of frames.
Your customers will evaluate whether they can trust you based on your
reliability, openness, competence and compassion. Start by being
reliable. Be proactive. Take the lead. And let your customers know that you can
be counted on. If you can’t be reliable for the little things, your
customers will never trust you to be reliable for the big things.
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