Agro-industrial Park: Experts Review Establishment Strategy
groundwork for the putting in place of a research and innovation center and
incubators in the technological agro-industrial park in Cameroon is advancing.
in technological development
and agro-industry have met in Yaounde again to
strategize on the setting up of a Technological Agro-industrial Park, TAIP, in
Cameroon. The Secretary General in the Ministry of Mines, Industry and
Technological Development, Edouard Ebah Abada on August 12, 2016 told experts
that Cameroon stands well to export research and development as well as
processed agro-industrial products if a technological industrial park was put
in place. He said, «We need to use the technological capacity and resources of
companies whether large or medium enterprises, research institutes and
universities to promote food processing.”
National Coordinator of the Project to Design a Master Plan for TAIP in the
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Chief Mbi Oruh Michael,
explained that a technopole is a community of industries where Cameroon is
going to process and transform its raw materials on the site. He said the
country’s innovative products will be assembled at the pool for a better market
share. It will serve as a hub for research and innovation and an incubator for
promoting business and creating entrepreneurship. “We are putting in tools for
industrialization,” he stated.
at the meeting focused on classifying policies, guidelines, laws and
regulations that facilitate research centres and incubators in Cameroon. They
also proposed workable strategies for the marketing of research results and
intellectual property right protection for such centres.
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