Six Essentials to Cultivating an Innovation Culture
A decade ago, I was invited to coach a group of Nokia’s fast-rising
superstars. Thirty-five “high potential” managers flew in to Palo Alto, California
to network, sample local wines, and focus on innovation. At the time,
Nokia seemed unstoppable. Growth was in the double digits. “The company
sells five phones every second,” gushed Fast Company in a profile.
“Their global market share, 38 percent, is greater than that of their
nearest three rivals
combined, and boasts a 50 percent share in Western
Europe.” What could possibly go wrong?
You can imagine my surprise when I surveyed the group beforehand, and
discovered a much different culture than the one portrayed by the
press. Risk-adverse, top down, capable only of incremental innovation,
were frequent comments. “Large corporation syndrome” has set in, one
manager reported. Failure is punished here, claimed another.
The biggest surprise came when I asked the class a question. If
someone on your team has an idea, what do you want them to do with it?
One participant couldn’t hold back. “I’d just tell them to forget about
it,” he blurted out with evident frustration. “You’re only going to beat
your head against the wall.”
At the time, I brushed off these comments as overly critical. Like
everybody else, I assumed Nokia would continue to dominate the mobile
market. But two years later, Apple released the iPhone. And Nokia began
its spectacular crash. These days, I often use my list of Nokia
Innovation Barriers (see below) as a cautionary tale. The company’s
growth and strong brand had covered many sins, but did not protect it in
the end. Nokia’s engineer-dominant, left-brain, execution-driven
culture was no match for a right brain, esthetic and emotion-based
attack from a new market entrant (Apple).
A decade ago, cultivating a culture of innovation was a “nice to do”
activity. Today it is becoming a “must do” discipline for organizations
that want to be around tomorrow. Here are six essential steps to
cultivating an innovation culture:
1. Understand what an innovation culture is, and why it’s essential to work on improving it.
Culture refers to the values, unspoken rules and subtle cues that guide
people’s behavior and suggests how they should act within your
environment to be effective. Culture is heavily influenced by an
organization’s leadership. If risk-adverse, just-make-your-numbers
behavior is rewarded by leadership, this message cascades to the far
reaches of the company. But when a disruption starts to occur, the
culture will ignore it or deny its existence until it becomes a
full-blown crisis. By then it may be too late. Unless you’re working
constantly to improve your culture, it will inevitably veer toward the
kinds of behavior that Nokia’s high potentials revealed.
Before you start trying to improve your culture, you must first
figure out what behaviors your organization genuinely rewards and
sanctions. Then ask: is this the type of behavior that will help us meet
the goals we’ve set and the market challenges we face? My strong
suggestion is that leadership must spell out the behaviors you want more
of, and catch people exhibiting them, and reward them in every way.
Reward the mid-manager who emails the chief a disturbing story from the
front lines where your product was no longer competitive. Compliment the
millennial generation employee who speaks up in the meeting and asks an
assumption-assaulting question. Laud the salesperson that rents the
truck and drives through the night to personally deliver the customer’s
order after a snafu. Reward the receptionist who contributes the most
ideas to your Innovation Portal. Share stories that illustrate the
desired behaviors, and make these people heroes. Behavior that gets
rewarded gets repeated.
2. Put somebody in charge of cultivating the culture.
Studies by Booz & Company show that companies with “highly aligned
innovation strategies and highly aligned cultures generate 30 percent
higher enterprise value growth and 17 percent profit growth.” All well
and good, but in most companies, nobody is in charge of creating and
maintaining an innovation culture, much less in aligning it with an the
organization’s strategy. It is a colossal mistake to assume that the
human resources department, just because it is in charge of people,
should perform this role. My experience is that they are ill-suited for
this role. Instead, I have long advocated a systematic approach to
innovation whereby innovation strategy and culture alignment become the
responsibility of the firm’s chief innovation officer.
3. Periodically assess the climate for innovation.
There are a lot of things a company can do for itself, but understanding
your culture’s strengths and weaknesses is not one of them. “There’s a
rumor around here that we punished someone for failure,” said the
division chief of a major chipmaker. “But we don’t have a clue what
they’re talking about.” Surveying employee engagement has become
commonplace in recent years, but a workforce can be engaged and still be
anti-innovation and risk-adverse. Climate surveys enable you to
objectively assess such cultural essentials as: the level of trust
people feel towards each other and towards management; amount of
collaboration across functions and silos; receptivity to new ideas;
availability of resources among other attributes. Pay attention to gaps
that exist between where people rate your company on an attribute, and
how important they judge that trait to be. And make sure to contrast
your company’s results with how a sample of other innovation Best
Practice companies perform on these attributes before you seriously
start thinking of launching a company-wide innovation initiative. The
value of periodic assessment is that it gives you an objective pulse of
how your people are feeling about the climate for innovation today,
and enables you to gauge progress in your journey to cultivate a more
open climate.
4. Make innovation a part of everybody’s job. Until
recently, innovation was considered the responsibility of the R&D
department, new product development, or the marketing team. Few
companies included mention of creative initiative when assessing
individual performance. Today more and more firms expect employees to
operate from the principle that innovation is not what you do after you
get your work done, it’s how you approach your work day-to-day. There’s
growing recognition that a firm’s next breakthrough might arise from the
supply chain arena, from a new manufacturing method, from entering a
new market or championing a new business model. Progressive companies
are training their high potential contributors not only to meet their
numbers and be operationally excellent, but in the mindset, skillset and
toolset of innovation. Some are even creating early warning systems to
apprise them of asymmetrical threats such as Nokia faced. In our two day
master classes for standout managers, topics include: How to spot
opportunities in changing customer requirements; disrupt or be
disrupted; how to lead change initiatives: how to sell new ideas up,
down and sideways; and how to set expectations in the case of high-risk
ventures or business models. Experience in this realm is becoming the
biggest resume-builder, rather than avoiding high profile but “risky”
5. Incentivize and reward broad-based innovative thinking.
Why would anybody in their right mind volunteer to work extra hard to
bring an idea to life if the result might be getting fired if things
don’t work out as planned? The risks must always be born by the
organization, and not the individuals involved. My experience is that in
the vast majority of organizations there are abundant disincentives,
but few incentives strong enough to encourage people to take risks.
Recognition via salary increases and promotions are not usually enough
to change behavior day to day. To change behavior, change the rewards,
dinner for two to a nice restaurant, a bit of time off after completion
of a major task, a handwritten note from the chief.
6. Improve the work environment. Innovate solutions
to things in the office that waste people’s time. Eliminate policies and
procedures that annoy people. Pay attention to enhancing the physical
environment. Install white boards in all conference rooms. Hold meetings
to exchange information, and brainstorming sessions to surface new
possibilities. Set the example. Seek constructive feedback on your
performance from the people who report to you. Ask continuously: how can
I improve? Do you feel I am listening to you? Focus on improving
communication skills. Change meetings by encouraging people to ask
different questions. Invite people to think big. Say something like,
“Guys, I think we’re getting in the weeds here. Reframe the question.
During one brainstorming session with a client, the question “how can we
increase productivity” got few responses. But when the question was
changed to: “how can we make your job easier” ideas poured forth. If one
of your top barriers is “lack of time to think” plan a “No Meetings
Friday” and invite people to use the day to think up new ideas. Give out
an award for the best ideas received.
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