Fin4Dev - a shared blog platform about finance for development involving the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank (INSME Members)
The African Development Bank (INSME Member), the Asian Development Bank (INSME Member), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group collaborate to the recently launched
Fin4Dev platform, a shared blog initiative, aiming at animating the debate on enhancing the understanding of sustainable development.With a special focus on the Sustainable Development Goals guiding the international community, the blog will share content about success stories, relevant opportunities for collaboration, innovative financing and risk mitigation by targeting a variety of stakeholders, including project managers, policy makers, private sector investors and activists.
The Fin4Dev platform presents and is based on a unique multilateral model which brings together government, the private sector and the civil society in achieving results and transforming lives.
Read the latest posts here.
Source: INSME
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