Call for proposals to support networks of young creative entrepreneurs: EU and third countries
The European Commission has recently launched a call for proposals to support networks of young entrepreneurs active in the cultural and creative sectors in EU and third countries. This is a pilot project based on a number of Commission and European Parliament initiatives which intends to create a platform gathering existing networks of young entrepreneurs and encouraging them to create
new ones in order to: support them to operate transnationally and internationally; exchange experiences on new business and management models; enhance entrepreneurship, innovation and creative potential for international cooperation.
Some of the eligible activities for the call are the development of a virtual platform; training activities; actions aiming at providing sustainable networking activities, exchanges of good practices, peer learning and many others. Applicants must be public or private organizations, single or legal entities with their registered legal office in one of the 28 EU Member States.
The total budget available for the call is € 800.000 and the financial contribution of the Commission is limited to 80% of the total eligible costs.
The deadline for submitting proposals is the 15th of September 2015.
More information is available at this page.
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