
Affichage des articles du août, 2015

Le manioc dans tous ses états

Par Michèle FOGANG, Cameroon Tribune La journée consacrée à ce tubercule a été célébrée mercredi sous le signe de l’appui à la transformation. Comment faire du manioc une arme véritable contre la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté ? Tel est l’objet du forum consacré à ce tubercule, mercredi dernier à Yaoundé. L’évènement visait

Complexe industrialo-portuaire de Kribi: Place à la négociation des contrats

Par Félicité BAHANE, Cameroon Tribune Après la désignation des gestionnaires des terminaux, il ne reste plus que cette ultime étape avant l’ouverture du port. C’est officiel depuis mercredi 26 août 2015. Le consortium Bolloré/CMA CGM/CHEC a remporté l’appel d’offres pour la gestion du terminal à conteneurs du port de Kribi,

21 Marketing Experts Share the Top Reasons Why You Should Talk to Your Customers

How often do you talk to your customers? If you’re like most of us, probably not as often as you should. One of the biggest mistakes I see marketers make is not talking to customers, asking them questions, and listening to what they have to say on a regular basis. You can learn all sorts of important things by talking to them, for example: The pain-points and frustrations

Exiting Employee? 5 Steps to a Smooth Transition

By Nicole Fallon Taylor, Business News Daily Assistant Editor - See more at: By Nicole Fallon Taylor, Business News Daily  By Nicole Fallon Taylor, Business News Daily Assistant Editor - See more at: When you receive a resignation notice from one of your top employees, there are likely a lot of thoughts that will run through your head. "I thought she was happy with her job." "How could she leave us at such a critical time?" "Can we afford to offer more money

The Best Leaders Are Not "Born Leaders"

By Brian de Haaff , CEO, Aha!, I have been a team captain for as long as I can remember. It started in my youth in athletics, carried over to student government, and continued on as I started working. I am grateful for these opportunities. But I know now that there is a big difference between being a captain and

6 Top Motivations That Drive The Best Entrepreneurs

By Martin Zwilling , In my experience mentoring new entrepreneurs and aspiring business leaders, I see far too many who seem to be driven by all the wrong reasons. Everyone seems to espouse extrinsic motivations, such as getting rich, having power, and fulfilling parent dreams, when in fact a focus on satisfying internal interests and desires will likely lead to more success, as well as satisfaction. I’ve had the pleasure of working with a couple of the best-known entrepreneurs of our time, and read

Are You Quitting Too Soon or Staying With It Too Long?

By Chelsea Berler, Entrepreneur and CEO of Solamar Some people give up too easily. They hit even a small road bump, and they just don't go on. Yet others keep trying too hard and too long, way beyond the time when quitting makes more sense. When it comes to being a successful entrepreneur or small business owner, the trick is to know your sweet spot, the place when it makes the most sense to quit or when to keep

Four signs that your small business has finally arrived

By Steven Cohen ,   There is no shortage of articles, seminars, and textbooks that claim to tell you how to run a successful small business, but few of them define exactly what it means to succeed. Yet it’s important as a small business owner to know what you’re striving for every day so that you can stay focused on your goals. What are you hoping to achieve with the long hours,

Energy projects: Three ways African governments can better attract private capital

By  Kate Douglas, To say the continent’s energy deficit is ‘a problem’ is an understatement. Two out of three people in sub-Saharan Africa live without electricity. The Africa Progress Panel estimates that power shortages diminish the continent’s growth by 2-4% a year. And in order to bring modern energy to all, the sector will require annual financing

Do You Have a 'Business Continuity Plan'?

By Heather Ripley,   A business emergency is one of those things you never want to think about -- until you have to. Weather emergencies. Natural disasters. The death or incapacity of a key leader. The loss of a revenue stream: UntIl one of these things happens to you, you may find it easy to be lulled into a false sense of security. Smart entrepreneurs, however, have

UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2015 on Global FDI Trends

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD ( INSME Member ) has recently released the World Investment Report 2015 on Global FDI Trends which highlights some important data and figures related to Foreign Direct Investments. In 2014 while GDP, trade, gross fixed capital formation and employment grew, the FDI inflows fell to 1.23 $ (16% globally) due to three main reasons: (1) the fragility of the global economy (2) the policy uncertainty for investors (3) geopolitical risks. The perspectives are quite positive, in 2015 Global FDI flows are expected to reach $ 1.4 trillion, while a further

Call for proposals to support networks of young creative entrepreneurs: EU and third countries

The European Commission has recently launched a call for proposals to support networks of young entrepreneurs active in the cultural and creative sectors in EU and third countries . This is a pilot project based on a number of Commission and European Parliament initiatives which intends to create a platform gathering existing networks of young entrepreneurs and encouraging them to create

A guide for winning support for your new idea or project

Ms. Rebecca Knight, freelance journalist in Boston and lecturer at Wesleyan University, USA gives some practical advices on how to get people on board to support a new idea or project. In the author’s opinion an idea has the potential to become a successful one if it offers a solution as clear and specific as possible to a targeted problem. Once this has been defined, it is fundamental to pitch the new project to potential customers

Fin4Dev - a shared blog platform about finance for development involving the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank (INSME Members)

The African Development Bank ( INSME Member ), the Asian Development Bank ( INSME Member ), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group collaborate to the recently launched

How to Innovate in a Regulated Industry

By Anuraag Verma and Nathan Snyder, We’ve given and attended enough workshops to know that virtually every corporate innovation team is familiar with the concept of lean . Build, measure, learn, iterate. You get it. You may even buy into it. But you incur insurmountable hurdles when you actually attempt to do it.   What is blocking you and your

Adamaoua: 300 projets cherchent preneurs

Par Brice MBEZE, Cameroon Tribune Une conférence régionale s’ouvre lundi prochain au cours de laquelle les maires de la région vont « vendre » leurs idées aux partenaires. C’est le branle-bas général à Ngaoundéré. Depuis quelques jours, la frénésie s’est emparée du chef-lieu de la région de l’Adamaoua qui accueille lundi et mardi prochains la « Conférence de validation des projets d’investissements publics de la région de l’Adamaoua ». Elle est organisée par l’antenne régionale de l’association Communes et Villes Unies du Cameroun (CVUC)

Hotel Managers To Boost Tourism Attractiveness

By Christopher JATOR, Cameroon Tribune A session to help project Cameroon as an attractive destination for holidaymakers held in Douala recently. Cameroon is known for its legendary hospitality. Its visitor-friendly tradition, various lifestyles, and cultural heritage, colourful festivals and rich natural attractions, have won it the appellation ‘Africa in miniature.’ Such attractions, according to

Investissements : il faut accélérer

  Par Rousseau-Joël FOUTE, Cameroon Tribune En se faisant représenter par le Premier ministre, chef du gouvernement, Philemon Yang, hier à Douala à la cérémonie d’inauguration de la cimenterie Dangote Cement Cameroon S.A., le chef de l’Etat, Paul Biya, a clairement exprimé son soutien à cette initiative privée de grande envergure qui contribue sans conteste, par la création des richesses et des emplois, à la relance économique

The Basics of How I Built a Seven-Figure Business Without Employees

By Adam Callinan, Entrepreneur and Venture Investor There is a lot to be said for those rare few that possess the ability to create huge companies with hundreds or thousands of employees that are all just ecstatic to be at work. It is exceptionally difficult and equally as impressive, which is why they end up taking up space on the front page of a major magazine or journal. Although it appears flashy

Des incitations à parfaire pour les Investissements privés au Cameroun

By Félicité BAHANE, Cameroon Tribune   Sur le plan pratique, les arrêtés d’application de la loi de 2013 posent quelques problèmes aux opérateurs économiques. Déjà 37 conventions signées et six autres annoncées pour les prochains jours, dans le cadre de la loi du 18 avril 2013, fixant les incitations à l’investissement privé en République du

Le chercheur camerounais Théodore Lejuste Abobda a créé un cœur artificiel

Ce jeune docteur en physique entend mettre au point «  l’organe le plus performant au monde  ». Il y a de quoi le motiver après la soutenance avec brio de ses travaux de thèse. Imaginez un cœur humain artificiel qui frôlerait la perfection de Dieu le Créateur. Ce cœur pèserait autant que l’organe biologique chez l’adulte : tout juste 280 grammes pour le sujet féminin et 300 grammes pour le sujet masculin. Et même que le cœur artificiel s’adapterait aux émotions humaines

Près de 1 400 jeunes à recruter

Par Michèle FOGANG, Cameroon Tribune Ils seront sollicités pour la réalisation des ouvrages de type Himo dans neuf communes du pays. Les inondations, les routes crevassées et le sous-emploi en milieu jeunes ne seront plus qu’un lointain souvenir au sein de neuf collectivités territoriales décentralisées (CTD)

Le pari de l’industrialisation pour la Transformation des fruits

Par Josiane TCHAKOUNTE, Cameroon Tribune Si tout se passe comme prévu, la localité de Nlohé dans le département du Moungo, région du Littoral, devrait d’ici trois ans, fabriquer du jus d’ananas 100% naturel. C’est que, dans le cadre de l’Agropole de production, de transformation et de commercialisation d’ananas lancé dans cette cité jeudi dernier par le ministère de l’Economie,

Investing In Cameroon: Potential Growth Sectors Worth Trying

The ninth edition of “Les atouts économiques du Cameroun,” a publication of the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon, is out. The government of Cameroon has understood that sensitisation is important in boosting business and investments. Cameroon is a land of plenty, with enormous potentials