Why CEOs Need Mentors -- They Accelerate Learning
By Jerry Jao, CEO and Co-Founder, Retention Science
Serving as CEO, you have the opportunity and directive to nurture your team’s growth. But how do you grow yourself?
open to learning from any and all sources. For instance, my personal
experiences drive me forward, while the stories of successful
entrepreneurs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos keep me motivated. Even more
important, I learn something new every day from my team, both personally
and professionally.
The other part of growing as leader boils down to what I consider essential to every CEO’s success: finding mentors.
By definition, as CEO you head the company and there is no one to give
you the same kind of guidance you provide your team on a daily basis.
This is especially true when an organization (like my firm) has a flat
company structure, offering opportunities for collaborative learning
instead of just having someone with more experience share knowledge.
As important as collaborative learning is, mentors can
provide unique insights that will be invaluable to a leader's growthr.
This has certainly been true for me. One mentor who has had significant
impact on my professional development is Ann Lewnes, chief marketing officer at Adobe Systems.
was surprised at how approachable this industry veteran was and her
willingness to take time from her busy schedule to meet with me. I
checked in with her once every two months, asking for her advice on key
issues I knew fell within her expertise.
She was so focused on
helping me and generous with her knowledge that she rarely spoke about
herself. I often directed the conversation back to her, so her stories
could inspire me as well. She provided me much-needed perspective and
guidance for the obstacles I encountered as my company started scaling
When she first showed me her seat at Adobe, I learned that
even high-level executives at her company sit in an open layout to
foster open communication. I made sure my company's office was set up
the same way.
My experience with Lewnes validated that mentors are crucial in helping entrepreneurs grow. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Having already “walked the walk.”
mentors can provide a wealth of knowledge based on various business
experiences. The best mentors have successfully navigated the same
industry as the entrepreneur and can provide insight on the obstacles
faced by a new leader.
A solid mentor might not automatically have
all the answers but will know the questions to ask or a direction to
guide you in. In speaking with you, he or she will also try to
understand where you’re coming from, which can make all the difference.
2. Offering a sounding board.
definition, the best mentors are there to help, which means they have
no hidden agendas. Once you build up a strong relationship with such
a mentor, you have a rare opportunity to freely seek professional
advice, without worrying about conflicts of interest or misplaced trust.
Additionally, the mentor can as a neutral party provide candid feedback
on your plans or strategies and help you make your decisions with
3. Offering networks to leverage.
if a mentor can’t help you on a certain issue, chances are he or
she knows someone who can. This person's networks and resources are
likely much more extensive than your own and a mentor’s referral or
introduction carries more weight than a business card at a networking
event. Building a strong relationship with amentor will broaden your
network exponentially.
4. Providing perspective and vision.
of your job as CEO is to focus on the big picture, but it can be
difficult to maintain perspective at a time of stress. A relatively
minor setback can seem like an urgent crisis, whereas smaller problems
left unhandled can have negative long-term effects on your business. A
mentor can help you navigate through both types of circumstances by
providing a fresh pair of eyes to evaluate and assess the situation and
give you a nudge or two when necessary.
5. Focusing on the person not just the company.
clearly have a lot at stake when it comes to their ventures. Everyone
is looking at you to lead, and it’s not uncommon for CEOs to lose
themselves as they put the company’s best interests first. A mentor can
help you take a step back and offer a chance to focus on you as an
individual, which is essential for maintaining your sanity and your
company's successful growth. >>>
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