Paul Biya: “The Fresh Impetus Is on Course”
By Cameroon Tribune, 01-01-2013
The Head of State’s message to the Nation on the occasion of the end of
year 2012 and the New Year 2013.
“Fellow Cameroonians,
My dear compatriots,
The Head of State’s message to the Nation on the occasion of the end of
year 2012 and the New Year 2013.
My dear compatriots,
I told you a year ago that the period starting in 2012 would be devoted to
the stimulation of growth which, as you are aware, is indispensable for
achieving our objectives, that is, improving living conditions and curbing
unemployment. This end-of-year message affords me the opportunity to take stock
with you of our efforts and to know where we stand and where we are going.
It is heartening to note that
investment is recovering. After a long period, during which national and
foreign investors were hesitant to commit themselves, due to the crisis, more
and more investors are now expressing interest in various sectors of our
economy: energy, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, among others. This is
clearly a sign of the confidence they have in us so that, together, we can
successfully implement some of our major projects.
The first sector I want to mention is that of energy because it is THE sine qua non for the development of our economy. In recent months, we launched the construction of several dams and hydro-power plants: Lom Pangar and Memve'ele. In early 2013, we will launch the construction of the Mekin dam. Others will follow, particularly when we will have developed the Sanaga River. The Kribi Gas-fired Power Plant will soon complete this system. Thus, we will increase our electricity generating capacity and put an end to shortages which have penalized our people and industries for a very long time. At the end of this process, we should even be able to export energy to less endowed neighbouring countries. Thus, in the medium term, we will have won the energy "battle".
Let me now extend to you all, my most sincere wishes for health and happiness in the New Year.
Happy New Year 2013!
Long live Cameroon!”
The first sector I want to mention is that of energy because it is THE sine qua non for the development of our economy. In recent months, we launched the construction of several dams and hydro-power plants: Lom Pangar and Memve'ele. In early 2013, we will launch the construction of the Mekin dam. Others will follow, particularly when we will have developed the Sanaga River. The Kribi Gas-fired Power Plant will soon complete this system. Thus, we will increase our electricity generating capacity and put an end to shortages which have penalized our people and industries for a very long time. At the end of this process, we should even be able to export energy to less endowed neighbouring countries. Thus, in the medium term, we will have won the energy "battle".
The optimization of our power generating capacity will provide much better
conditions for the development of our industrial fabric. Entrepreneurs who
could hesitate to commit themselves for lack of assurance about power supply
will no longer have reasons to postpone their projects. It therefore appears
that we will be able to embark on the second phase of our country's
industrialization. Henceforth, we will be able to process our raw materials
and, why not, access more advanced technologies. We are already assembling
tractors. We may soon assemble cars. Industrial development is the lever for
modernity. We will obviously do everything possible to promote it.
Investors are equally willing to support us in implementing our major
infrastructure projects. The Kribi Port is a good example. Another is the
Yaounde-Douala highway project, whose first section should soon be launched.
The second bridge over the Wouri River and the east and west access roads to
Douala, whose works will soon begin, will help to improve traffic flow in our
economic metropolis. Our road network will be completed or rehabilitated such
that all our regional capitals will soon be linked by tarred roads. Part of
these works is already underway. We see the benefit that it will represent for
the movement of people and goods within our country and with neighbouring
The resources of our subsoil are also rousing the interest of foreign
companies vying for their exploitation. Oil exploration and exploitation is
making progress. Although at present our expectations in this domain are
modest, we cannot rule out the possibility of making new discoveries.
Conversely, we have promising natural gas deposits. Part of the gas will be
exploited to supply energy like in Kribi, and to satisfy the domestic needs of
the population; another part will be liquefied for export. A project of this
nature will soon be implemented.
The mining sector is expected to witness intense activities in the coming
months. Exploitation of the Lomie cobalt deposit and other associated minerals
should start as soon as financing arrangements are completed. The Mballam “iron
ore” project entered its final phase with the recent signing of the agreement
between Cameroon and CamIron. Negotiations for the exploitation of the
Minim-Martap and Ngaoundal bauxite are continuing normally. The Mobilong
“diamond” project is in the exploitation phase. It will take into account the
rules of the Kimberley Process to which we have adhered and which ensures
traceability of diamond from Cameroon. Similarly, strict order will be restored
in gold exploitation.
With respect to the mining sector, our attitude should be guided by two
concerns: on the one hand, the State – that is the general interest – should
derive due benefit from it; on the other hand, our minerals should, as much as
possible, undergo primary processing before exportation. As you can see, and as
I indicated to you, Cameroon has become a “vast construction site”, and there
is every reason to believe that it will continue to be for a longer time.
Upturn in Employment
Lastly, agriculture, our main source of wealth. At the Ebolowa
Agro-pastoral Show, I outlined the major thrusts of what should be a real
“agrarian revolution”. I am fully aware that it is a complex issue on account
of both the size of the population involved and the number of problems that
need to be solved. But I am also aware that agriculture is our development
trump card. That is why we must successfully implement our agrarian revolution
at all costs. To that end, we need to modernize our methods, provide better
training for our farmers, take advantage of scientific progress, secure
innovative financing; in other words, move onto second generation agriculture.
In so doing, we will not only be able to consolidate our food self-sufficiency,
but also to process our agricultural raw materials, export our products, reduce
our imports of some foodstuffs and, lastly, create tens of thousands of jobs.
Job creation is our constant concern. The State is playing its role by
absorbing many youths into the public service and the security forces. The
growth recovery we are experiencing has already triggered some upturn in
employment. As an illustration, and according to available statistics,
Cameroon’s economy created about 160 000 jobs in the modern sector in 2012. There
is reason to hope that with the pick-up in economic activity, the trend will
increase. I am aware that the problem is particularly acute among youths,
graduates and non-graduates alike. That is why our educational system reform
lays emphasis on professionalization.
One of the conditions for renewed growth was the improvement and
consolidation of our public finance. Throughout the year that is coming to a
close, and in compliance with IMF recommendations, we continued efforts to
increase our revenue and better manage our expenditure. We will continue along
this path. Concerning the budget, we will, in 2013, implement the transition
from resource budget to programme budget based on medium-term objectives,
together with measurable indicators that conform to our development strategy.
This will enable us to better assess our performance and adjust its course, if
Regarding this new budget, I will make just a few remarks which, I think,
are not unimportant. I will, first of all, point out that it has increased by
15%, which is an expression of our will to give fresh impetus to our economy. I
will add that the budget is hinged notably on a 6.1% growth assumption, which
means that we are banking on marked progress in economic activity. Lastly, I
will point out that the public investment head represents close to 30% of the
overall expenditure envelope.
Socially, the Government stayed on the path of continuity in 2012. In the
major sector of education, it pursued its infrastructure construction, teacher
recruitment and professionalization efforts. It remains true to its objective
of providing the widest possible access to knowledge at all levels and ensuring
equal opportunities.
With respect to health, mother and child care and pandemic control
activities, immunization campaigns, etc. were continued. New outreach hospital
infrastructure was constructed and state-of-the-art equipment provided to
referral hospitals. In the same vein, there are ongoing efforts to develop a
social security system that is accessible to the greatest number of people. The
proportion of the population covered by social security is expected to increase
from 10% in 2012 to 20% in 2015. These rates are unsatisfactory and should be
improved as much as possible.
Moreover, I am not forgetting that the goal of the progress our country can
pride itself on is to improve the living conditions of our people. However, in
that regard, it must be acknowledged that much remains to be done. Access to
water and electricity remains largely inadequate in urban and rural areas. This
situation should improve significantly in the short and medium term. Major
works are under way and, hopefully, will provide solutions to these shortages.
Similarly, low-cost housing in our country is not commensurate with the needs
of the population. To offset this shortage, we will soon launch pilot
programmes in Yaounde and other urban centres, where our SMEs will have their
own part to play. If the results are satisfactory, they would be replicated in
our regional capitals.
Still in the social sphere, I would like to address our retirees who have
trouble obtaining their pensions. Delays of several months are sometimes noted,
which is unacceptable. Instructions given to remedy the situation are already
bearing fruit.
Politics Claiming its Place
Government’s focus on reviving growth did not prevent politics from
claiming its place. In a bid to modernize our democratic process and enhance
the transparency and credibility of our elections, a decision was taken to
recompile electoral registers and introduce biometrics in the production of
electoral documents. It is absolutely necessary to carry through this operation
on schedule.
I take this opportunity to urge Cameroonians to register massively on
electoral registers. To facilitate this process, I have decided that, as from 1
January 2013, national identity cards should be issued free of charge.
The recent adoption of a single electoral code is also geared towards
modernizing our democratic process. It was also necessary to harmonize some
provisions relating to the Constitutional Council with the Constitution in
order to set up this superior court, after the senatorial elections slated for
Fellow Cameroonians,
My dear compatriots,
Thus, whatever may be said, we are forging ahead resolutely on the path to
becoming an emerging country, guided by our roadmaps, like a navigator guided
by his compass, watching out for any pitfalls along his way and taking
advantage of favourable winds to shorten the distance. Yes, I affirm that the
fresh impetus is on course and nothing and nobody can stop it.
Should we therefore rest on our laurels? Definitely not. I am fully aware
that we still have to deal with the inertia, incompetence or malice of some
people, which all constitute constraints on our recovery. In addition, there is
corruption in various forms and public procurement fraud. In this regard, the
latest NACC report is extremely revealing. Obviously, the embezzlement of
public funds will not go unpunished. I count very much on the Minister of
Public Contracts to put an end to such abuses in his sphere of competence.
The said failings are all the more reprehensible as a substantial segment
of our population continues to languish in harsh living conditions. Obviously,
the huge sums of money embezzled should have contributed to improving their
situation in the domains of education and health. How many schools, health
centres, and water supply schemes could have been built with the sums embezzled!
Such criminal behaviour on the part of a minority clearly tarnishes our
country’s image. It is used by critics in and outside the country who are
unwilling to acknowledge the progress we have achieved in recent years. They
claim that we are “stagnant” and our very stability is doubtful. Such lack of
objectivity can only be due to some kind of political myopia that prevents them
from seeing things as they are, and to failing memory which prevents them from
having any recollection of the hardships that our people have suffered to
overcome unfair terms of trade, structural adjustment constraints and the
damage caused by the recent economic and financial crisis.
Well, my dear compatriots, let us show these critics what we are capable of
doing. When, in a couple of months, or a couple of years, our country will be
dotted with construction sites, dams, power plants, ports, factories and roads,
will they continue to say that we are “stagnant”.
Flood Victims Not
But, before concluding, I would like us to spare a thought for all our
compatriots who were affected a few months ago by severe floods. They should
know that we have not forgotten them and that the recently established Natural
Disaster Relief Fund will be there to help them.
On the other hand, I am pleased to announce that within the next few
months, the right conditions should be in place for us to celebrate the
fiftieth anniversary of Reunification with all due solemnity.
Fellow Cameroonians,
My dear compatriots,
I am well aware of the terms of the pact we entered into a year ago. We can
already see the first achievements. Others will follow in the months ahead. Let
us take advantage of the peace and stability our country is enjoying to do
great things. I am determined to do so and I urge you to support my efforts. Of
course, there will be obstacles, but with the support of everyone, especially
the youth, I am sure we will overcome them.
We are a great people, a great Nation. We must show it, now or never.Let me now extend to you all, my most sincere wishes for health and happiness in the New Year.
Happy New Year 2013!
Long live Cameroon!”
President Paul Biya addressing the nation.
NB: Subheads are by Cameroon
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