Business People Embrace Innovations in 2013 Finance Law
By Christopher JATOR, Cameroon Tribune, 29/01/2013
Focus is on broadening the tax base, securing tax revenues and fight against tax evasion.
across the economic capital have been familiarised with the new Finance
Law. A seminar to get the people to get business people acquainted with
changes in the Law held in Bonanjo on Monday around the theme
“Innovations of the 2013 Finance Law”.
Focus is on broadening the tax base, securing tax revenues and fight against tax evasion.
seminar was opportunity for the Chamber of Commerce in Douala to explain
the purposes of the modifications and the new policy orientation. In
his opening remark, Hon. Albert Dooh Collins guided the participants on
the general guidelines for the new fiscal policy of the State. He said
the fiscal policy remains primarily focused on broadening the tax base,
securing tax revenues, the fight against tax evasion. It’s innovations
place emphasis on measures against fraud and tax evasion, and securing
revenue through the extension of settlements of duties and payments by
electronic means, transfers and bank checks while seeking to bring more
business people of the informal sector to the formal sector.
Finance Law for 2013 paves the way for the implementation of Cameroon’s
fiscal policy with a toll on performance, unlike earlier policies which
mainly provided the means. The changes in the tax laws were made around
these pillars in comparison with successive innovations in the
provisions like the General Tax Code and the Customs Code.
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