3 Ways to Boost Word of Mouth and Referrals for Your Business
By Brian Barquilla, Entrepreneur.com, founder of AdvantageB2B consulting+marketing
While WOM is great and speaks volumes about your
service and quality, you must work at it for it to become a successful
business-development strategy. Staring at the phone and waiting for it
to ring is far too passive for the most ambitious business people.
is always the best way to get a new client because referral prospects
have likely already had a conversation about you with an impartial third
party, and have mostly made up their mind to work with you --
regardless of your price. You have earned the opportunity because you
are seen as an expert in your field. The person that uttered your name
has confidence in your abilities and feels comfortable to put their
reputation on the line by recommending you.
you reverse engineer the WOM-referral process, you can learn how you
were able to get someone to notice your good work and bring it up in
conversation so that the magic happens.
So how do we multiply this effort and get that phone to ring?
1. Eliminate the credibility gap.
reason an inquiry is made in the first place is because a prospect is
trying to avoid the pain that comes along with working with the wrong
service provider. They are trying to avoid anxiety.
The reason
they have not hired any given provider out of the phone book is because
of the “credibility gap” that exists. Close that gap by eliminating the
unknown and you will get the business.
2. Lead through education.
most successful brands in the world have adopted this strategy and it's
incredibly simplistic. Millions of Internet searches are done every
day. These people are looking for information. The best marketers
understand this and simply give them what they want.
wants to work with an expert, so why can’t that be you? Concentrate on
creating content that answers questions that are frequently asked.
Demonstrate your knowledge and be the subject matter expert they are
seeking. This earns their respect, answers their beginning questions and
starts to bridge the credibility gap.
3. Get serious.
creating your own campaign that closes the credibility gap. Write a
white paper each month, do a webinar or even host a live event that puts
your skills on showcase. Don’t have the time? Outsource it!
freelancers make a living by ghostwriting columns or producing events
for their clients. Over time you will have a body of work that will be
passed around that positions you as a thought leader.
Leading with
this content strategy has proven to be one of the most effective ways
to earn your next new client. This isn’t changing how those valuable WOM
clients come to you, it simply increases the frequency and puts a
strategy behind the phone ringing.
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