WARNINGS: Comolli Mortgage & Investment Firm
By the Federal Autority Conduct and E2C Network
The Financial Conduct Authority – FCA) have published this statement yesterday in order to warn investors against dealing with unauthorised
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This statement is to advise members of the public that an organisation identifying itself to UK citizens as:
Tel: 0703 185 4237
Email: customer.comollimortgage@gmail.com
is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) to carry on a regulated activity in the UK. Regulated activities include, amongst other things, advising on and arranging regulated investments, mortgage contracts.
We believe that the organisation may be targeting Uk and World customers.
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This statement is to advise members of the public that an organisation identifying itself to UK citizens as:
Comolli Mortgage & Investment Firm
53 Wrexham RoadSlough
Tel: 0703 185 4237
Email: customer.comollimortgage@gmail.com
is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) to carry on a regulated activity in the UK. Regulated activities include, amongst other things, advising on and arranging regulated investments, mortgage contracts.
We believe that the organisation may be targeting Uk and World customers.
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