2020 International Council for Small Business World Congress L’Exposition Universelle de l’Entrepreneurship, Paris, France | July 8 – 10, 2020

The 65th ICSB World Congress from July 8 – 10, 2020 will convene a world-wide gathering of entrepreneurs and thought leaders in Paris, France.
In April 1900 Paris
hosted the “Exposition Universelle”. Countries from around the world were invited by France to showcase their lifestyles. The Exposition aimed to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development into the next. The “Exposition Universelle” of 1900 was a uniting and learning experience.
ICSB, with the inspiration of the 1900’s “Exposition Universelle” announces that next July 2020, Paris will host the ICSB 65th World Congress with the title of ” L’Exposition Universelle de l’Entrepreneurship.”
The ICSB’s 2020 Global Conference in Paris aims to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to call upon the world for another World Exposition similar to the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle. Time for entrepreneurship and SMEs to take the lead in ushering the world into peace, prosperity, and happiness.
ICSB invites everyone from around the world to Paris, France to showcase their creative ideas, inventions, inspirations, and achievements in Entrepreneurship and support to SMEs.
Founded in 1955, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) was the first international membership organization to promote the growth and development of small businesses worldwide. The organization brings together educators, researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.
ICSB is the originator of the United Nations’ Resolution to create an International Name Day dedicated to Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises on June 27 (MSMEs Day).
ICSB premier World Congress is held every June around the world and brings together leaders, experts, and entrepreneurs.
More details here
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